View Full Version : GAD-is it forever?

30-07-13, 10:15
Probably a stupid question, but once you have or have had GAD, is that it?
Does it stay with you always or can it be 'cured' once and for all?
Do I say 'I have GAD' or 'I have had GAD'?
This is my 3rd time of experiencing this in 10 years and I can't stand it! I hate that I have no control and turn into this quivering wreck of a person!
It's the third time I've had to take time of work in 10 years from this and I hate that I'm now probably known as 'the one with issues'!
I just need some hope that maybe this will be the last time and that I won't need to be on medication for the rest of my life.

Sorry wee bit of a rant there.
Anybody have any thoughts on this?

Sorry if this has been asked before


30-07-13, 12:25
To me you can recover from Anx/panic but never be 'cured' from it.

That is not saying it will always be there but I think it will always be in the background and if the circumstances are right for it it will 'pop up' again.