View Full Version : Sciatica

30-07-13, 12:21
It's never ending for me , last week I had a clear ultrasound for abdominal pains which I'm now thinking was not my stomach but my back all along , I've now had horrific sciatic pain for the last 3 days ibruprofen doesn't help it and I've googled , the nhs website says a spinal growth could be causing it , I'm in a complete panic as I know if it was nothing serious then normal pain killers would help 😰😰😰😰 I'm really in a bad way with it xx

30-07-13, 12:43
Spinal neoplasms are a rare cause. Far more common is simply musculoskeletal damage. Try lying on a ball, at least the size of a tennis ball, under the middle of your back. Use your feet to roll yourself up and down it, in a form of assisted massage. That can often help with trapped or compressed lumbar nerves.

30-07-13, 13:25
Thanks ill give that a try , not sure what to do for the best rest or exercise x

31-07-13, 15:57
Exercise. Rest will simply allow the muscles to weaken.