View Full Version : Today's Topic "Borderline Personality Disorder"

30-07-13, 12:40

I went along for my Clopixol injection and my session with the Psychiatrist today. I got to see a totally random Doctor and got very anxious in the room. Her approach towards me made me feel really uneasy. Thank god I remembered my Rescue Spray because I used it a lot in there today. She began by asking me if I knew what my Diagnoses was. Of course I do. I have Borderline Personality Disorder and a Mood Disorder that could yet be Bipolar. They don't seem to have decided yet. She didn't offer much up to me. I began tearing at my neck and scratching really badly until it was red and raw from my nails. She picked up on this and asked me whether I was feeling OK. I truthfully told her that because she was a stranger to me and that I have never worked with her before, that I was highly anxious and feeling a little hot. I had to ask for a glass of water, which they provided with a bit of a huff. It was like I was disrupting her. It didn't go too well, all in all to be honest. She then proceeded to ask me if I knew why I am on all the medication that I am on. Is this usual? I felt so uneasy that I began to have trouble breathing. Thank god Ciaran came into the room so I had an excuse to use my Rescue Spray. We ended the session after talking about the symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder for 30mins. I tried mentioning the anxiety, but it was like she was blind to what I was saying. I told her I was anxious and that I needed my Spray, yet she kept on ignoring it and kept talking about the Borderline.

I know I have a Mood Disorder and BPD, but I'm attending the services for anxiety too, to which seems to have totally been ignored today no matter what I said.

This was just a once off, but I am still anxious about it. Do they think that my anxiety isn't worth bothering with? Will they not help me to cope with it? Will it be ignored in favor of the Borderline? I'm terribly anxious today now after that session. I'm terribly sorry for going on, but I kept telling her I was anxious and she kept ignoring it. I'm back home now and wishing that I never went along today in the first place.
