View Full Version : hello

30-07-13, 17:03
I suffer from panic, phobias, ocd and lately have had fatigue
The meds help some, the counseling and self help only make me worse
I saw postings on how you get panic cycles, and it looks like others are as lost as me about how to stop them
my dr says I was born with something wrong with my brain, and I need meds, but they wont make it better
I have Xanax for when it is bad, just a small dose helps , but I have a hard time making myself take it, I guess I feel defeated if I take it, but I cant make it go away

30-07-13, 17:38
:welcome: to the forum Kadyjane. There is loads of support on here, I'm sure you will find it really helpful.

30-07-13, 17:40
I really need others to talk to that understand