View Full Version : Anxiety or Depression?

30-07-13, 19:19
Hi All

Im having a really rotten time at the moment i have had anxiety and panic disorder for quite a few years now but i really thought i had got it under control. Im normally a very positive person and always finding a positive in a negative but i just cant stop being negative about everything and my outlook in life seems to be so black im very aware of how im thinking is wrong but i just cant see any good in anything yes i can say i do but i dont feel it, ive started just bursting into tears about nothing life just seems to be too overwhelming for me and im on edge all the time its wearing me out. I havent really experianced depression in the past as i know there is a huge difference in depression and frustration i always felt frustrated with anxiety and panic because it just wouldnt go away and let me get on with life ...... thanks for reading Nic

30-07-13, 20:03
I'm sorry you're feeling so crappy. This does sound like it could be depression. There is lots that can be done for depression, including therapy and meds, which may help with both issues. I hope things will start looking up for you soon.

30-07-13, 20:23
Hi Moonspirit,

Sometimes constant anxiety can make us very low, even a little depressed. But that does not mean that you are necessarily suffering from depression!! There is a difference .Please go to your Dr and speak honestly to him/her about how you are feeling.

You dont say if your are on or have tried any medication.
Have you looked at the HAD depression test? You can find it online and it will give you some idea of your current feelings.

Mostly, dont give up hope..............anxiety/depression can be dealt with and beaten.......remember 1 in 4 people will suffer from some form of it in their lives.


30-07-13, 20:24
Depression for me was doom and gloom, no point to anything..couldn't be bothered to do anything..nothing to look forward to..never ending depressive thoughts..not wanting to be alive anymore..crying a lot...
I had anxiety induced depression

30-07-13, 20:52
Hi thanks for the replys

I came off my meds about 4mths ago i was on serequel and citalopram for many years after my breakdown but i was feeling really well until just recently i do take amitryptaline 10mg for pain issues i do also suffer with fibromyalgia and m.e, pcos, degeneration of the spine and ibs, i havent done a depression test but i did go to my docs today and he has recommended i chat to someone he didnt want to put me on any other meds at this stage im just praying i can get myself through it i know its just trying to find that inner strength again but i know i cant do this on my own, its hard for me to admit all this because im usually the one helping others out ......... i just feel so fragile that im ready to shatter at any time and i am terrified of going back to how i once was before :wacko:

30-07-13, 21:02
I actually took amitriptyline as an anti depressant for 11 yrs.. You could speak to your doc about maybe taking a higher dose of it to help with depression... It's not generally used anymore as an anti d, but as you already take it, may be easier to cope with that, rather than a new med..