View Full Version : My first anxiety Blog Post: "Dr Google"

30-07-13, 22:22
I can't paste the link to the actual blog so have copied it straight into here.

"Dr Google"

Health anxiety (HA) has always been a condition that is ridiculed. It's seen as a "hypochondriac" disorder, something that has been swept under the carpet or turned into a joke.

I first noticed my condition when I was around 12 years old. I would get a nosebleed and my mind would automatically associate this with something bad; I remember thinking: "my brain is bleeding". Being a child I quickly dismissed this and moved on to something else.

A few years later, access to the Internet became easier, I began to "Google" my symptoms during my late teens. Anything I felt or saw about myself, I had to research online; anything "out of the ordinary" set my heart racing.

Suddenly, headaches were brain tumours, palpitations were heart attacks and pains in my breasts were breast cancer.
One particular episode stays with me; it began with a rough patch on the inside of my cheek. I became obsessed with it, looking at it in the mirror, using the torch to look right inside my mouth and constantly googling symptoms. The disease that came up most was "HIV". I was absolutely convinced I had this and was slowly dying. In my almost manic like state, I dismissed every other involved symptom and focused solely on these dry, rough patches in my mouth, I wasn't thinking logically in any way whatsoever, I remember one time during this episode that seemed to go on forever, ringing my parents (I was away at university at the time). I rang them in a train station and began to cry uncontrollably in front of a busy London station, people turned to stare but I didn't care, I was asking my mum over and over again if she thought it was HIV, I was completely convinced. I had even planned ways to tell my friends I had it, it was entirely all consuming. Even seeing a mouth specialist at the hospital was not enough, I wouldn't stop.
Eventually, like all health anxiety episodes, I just woke up one day and the thoughts, anxieties and obsessions had disappeared.
A few weeks later the cycle would start up again, but with a completely different disease.

I have come to the conclusion that HA is a branch of OCD, something I also suffer from; list making, obsessive thoughts, relationship OCD etc.
HA is still quite misunderstood in my opinion, I personally believe it is becoming the most common of all anxiety disorders and this is all down to the Internet. Years ago we did not have access to such a wealth of information regarding our health and well being. The media are also very outspoken when it comes to living a "healthy" life and being aware of changes in your body. Of course this is all well and good, in some cases the Internet is a blessing, for example if you had a misshapen mole on your body. You could look up an image online, see if it could be something to be concerned about and then consult a GP therefore catching something potentially deadly within good time,

As for me, I hate being out of control of situations, by "checking" my body, I feel I have some control over my health, therefore my fate.
It isn't reasonable and I know that but I am being treated with CBT counselling in order to try and get through this and come out the other side.

30-07-13, 22:23
Why have you posted this again?

30-07-13, 22:28
Because I thought putting it here would make more sense than the health anxiety forum as I posted the original message about my blog here.

30-07-13, 22:32
Oh ok, but I thought it was HA you suffered.

30-07-13, 22:35
It is but this is a "general anxiety" part of the forum so should be ok to post here I thought?

30-07-13, 22:40
It would've been seen on either I guess.
But people with HA may not see it if its not on that forum

30-07-13, 22:44
It would've been seen on either I guess.
But people with HA may not see it if its not on that forum

True. I just thought that forum was more for people asking questions about HA and this is more a general one. Never mind I'm sure they will see it.

30-07-13, 22:46
I'm sure they will, I don't use specific forums, I just go to active topics to search threads, and they all come up that way.

NE21 worrier
30-07-13, 23:03
@GirlAfraid. Nice read. I've suffered from some HA in the past as I get acid reflux - but, thankfully, I am able to accept that's all it is now - and while it's not very nice, I know it's nothing more serious than that. What's the web address of your blog, btw?

@Stormsky. You learn something new every day, thanks. Didn't even notice the 'Active topics' but at the top of the page. I've always visited each forum separately... Silly me :doh:

31-07-13, 12:27
@GirlAfraid. Nice read. I've suffered from some HA in the past as I get acid reflux - but, thankfully, I am able to accept that's all it is now - and while it's not very nice, I know it's nothing more serious than that. What's the web address of your blog, btw?

@Stormsky. You learn something new every day, thanks. Didn't even notice the 'Active topics' but at the top of the page. I've always visited each forum separately... Silly me :doh:

I'm not sure because its on an app :/

---------- Post added at 12:27 ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 ----------

@GirlAfraid. Nice read. I've suffered from some HA in the past as I get acid reflux - but, thankfully, I am able to accept that's all it is now - and while it's not very nice, I know it's nothing more serious than that. What's the web address of your blog, btw?

@Stormsky. You learn something new every day, thanks. Didn't even notice the 'Active topics' but at the top of the page. I've always visited each forum separately... Silly me :doh:

Got the address:


31-07-13, 20:34
http://http://jenfidge.wordpress.com/ (http://jenfidge.wordpress.com/)

Please read and tell me what you think :)

My next ones are going to be about challenging mental health stigma :)

01-08-13, 08:16
I already have a couple of followers, are they from this site? :)

01-08-13, 09:20
Nice blog! Well written! I'm thinking of starting one too. I have started following you now.

01-08-13, 12:14
Nice blog! Well written! I'm thinking of starting one too. I have started following you now.

Thanks, for some reason your follow hasnt come up.

01-08-13, 12:19
Reading now. Very well written and interesting. I especially love the entry about Dr. Google and Health Anxiety.

01-08-13, 14:31
Reading now. Very well written and interesting. I especially love the entry about Dr. Google and Health Anxiety.

Thanks :) glad you like it. I just want to make more people aware of health anxiety as its something that's very overlooked in the media in my opinion.

01-08-13, 14:39
Your blog may just do that if it reaches an enough audience, and I think it will :)

01-08-13, 22:26
I just started one too and just found yours! How weird. I will follow you! I am blogging under googlergirl.

03-08-13, 23:23
Mine recently started with HA (I was convinced I had lung cancer) but then when that fear was taken away I was still left with terrible terrible fear all day long, so it's actually Generalised Anxiety Disorder.