View Full Version : HELP WITH FLYING????

16-10-06, 18:03
I've had anxiety all my life, panic attacks come with travelling, I can not go on public transport or my stomach turns, I get dizzy and faint.. Same thing happens when going on motorways, short car journeys at low speeds im fine.

Anyway I now have a major problem. I won £1000 worth of travel vouchers, I tried selling them but I can't as they are in my name and apparantly I have to be lead passenger, so I have no choice but to go on holiday,

I've always wanted to go but anxiety had held me back, I watch all these holiday programmes dreaming of going to these places now I have the chance I just don't think I can.

I had 5 sessions of hypnotherapy in the past and CBT for 2 months but both proved to be useless. What can I do?? I honestly think Chinese water torture would be easier than going on a plane or even boat for a min of 2 hours, Is flying that bad with anxiety??

Any help really appreciated.

16-10-06, 21:39
Your post is just like one of my old ones. Travelling was always that hardest thing. Maybe its the feeling that I am trapped, even if I'm in my own car!

But last year my nephew got married and we booked to fly to Newcastle. I went to see my GP and told her about my concerns. She gave me immodium for travel so I don't get diahorrea (sorry if thats too much info). Also gave me a few diazepam for times like that. Special occasions she said, like smear tests or flying. Maybe your doctor could advise you. This helped me. I was still anxious, but able to cope. I also have rescue remedy with me. Partly as reassurance and also takes the edge of beginning of anxiety.

Hope this helps.


16-10-06, 21:57
Hi dj9928, you are exactly like me ,i have so much trouble with traveling, cancelled that many holidays you would not believe. Ito end up going to my g.p. for diazipam they do help but long to be able to go on hols without taking them. one day maybe. I think that we should get all those afraid of flying and go on hols together that way we,er all in the same boat[plane] together .[:o)]