View Full Version : Introduction....

31-07-13, 08:48
Hi, my name is Shaneeka. I have anxiety and obsessive thoughts which are overwhelming and have an effect on my day to day life and my relationship. I have been referred to a counseller for possible PTSD. Due to the obsessive thoughts I sometimes struggle with what is real and what is my anxieties. Talking about things is really helpful and so I was pleased to stumble across this forum. I have a fantastically supportive fiancé, but I think sometimes he needs a break from my rambling! :)

31-07-13, 09:04
:welcome: Ramble away... ;)

31-07-13, 18:25
Hi Shaneeka. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

As for rambling, that's what we're here for :)

There's plenty of good listeners here even if you just want to vent.
