View Full Version : I scared myself into thinking bad things will happen?

31-07-13, 13:00
Basically the other week I was watching a Dr.Phil episode on YouTube about skitsophrenia (no idea how to spell it) and one of the girls saw dead bodies and like exorcist things crawling on the walls/roofs towards her.
Basically I think that will happen I me, I know I'm not skitzophrenic, but I'm. Just scared that I'll see something like that and ugh I don't know.
I have sever depression and anxiety, I'm a 16 year old girl.
I don't really know what to write but how can I stop thinking this will happen?


01-08-13, 16:57
Noooo, that won't happen. Sure thing.
I had this and similar fears too (among others :D).
Remember that just because something is scary, that doesn't make it more likely to happen.

03-08-13, 01:15
Anxiety can magnify anything that we see as scary and make it feel massive and can make us believe it will really happen to us, it wont happen hunny! all that is wrong is your imagination is working overtime and u feel you have lost control of it. Your thoughts seem scarier because you have given them power that they don't deserve. Let the scary thoughts and images flash through your imagination and each time just tell yourself that you have seen them flash In your mind before and you will again until u become less afraid of then, each time they come, keep your inner voice positive and speak kindly to yourself, say something like '' these are just images, they are not reality, they cannot hurt me, it's just my over active imagination'' that's really all it is. You can do it flower- stay in control of them, give yourself time and be kind to yourself xxx