View Full Version : Going out of my mind with worry

31-07-13, 14:18
I am losing my mind I think... My health anxiety has turned towards my kids. Mainly my son, hes 15 and basically seems healthy. He works hard during the summer he plays hockey and every other sport in the winter but I have noticed some things that don't seem right. He went pee a few nights ago and must of forgot to flush and it was soooo foamy it was like he put a few drops of bubble bath in there, I asked how long its been like that and he said for as long as he can remember! His pee is also really dark yellow. I had his kidneys checked earlier this year and the doctor said that they are leaking a very small amount or protein, but not to worry about it. He also had a kidney ultrasound and bloodwork and everything was good except his bilirubin was high. Then I noticed that his eyes were tinged yellow, its not all the time just every now and again. So took him back to the doctors and they said that his bilirubin was high but since that is the only thing that is high they weren't worried becuause his bilirubin level was high in his blood but it was not spilling out into the urine. He then had to have blood work just to monitor it every three months and the level has since come down to normal. But I still notice to this day that his eyes can be tinged yellow at times.... I am just getting so so angry that the doctors are brushing him off and when I google it says this could be kidney disease, or liver issues. I don't want to miss something and have him have serious issues in the future. I am so scared hes going to die from something missed that its making obsess over it. I just want my kids to be ok.

31-07-13, 15:43
A jaundiced appearance is not uncommon with higher circulating bilirubin, neither is darkening of the urine. As it happens there are findings showing that people with higher plasma concentrations of bilirubin are less likely to succumb to various cardiac diseases. Mild hyperbilirubinaemia is unlikely to be a cause for concern.

31-07-13, 21:10
Thank you so very much for your reply!!