View Full Version : Mindfulness FREE on the NHS!!!!!

31-07-13, 15:40
I have just signed up for a FREE Mindfulness course on the NHS in Wiltshire!!

It is a 5 week course and to my knowledge this is the first time the NHS are providing a Mindifulness course which is FREE.

This I am told is a National program so there should be a course in your area too.

The Wiltshire course is with the Lift Psychology Program which is self referral so there is no need to go to your GP. I am not sure if it will be the same name nationally.

As Mindfulness is the new "big thing" in mental health treatment and to MY mind is better than CBT some of you may want to try it.

Moderators: Is there anyway that this can be highlighted so people dont miss this information?

Thanks Sarah

31-07-13, 15:45
I made it sticky Sarah

31-07-13, 15:49
Thankyou!!:) Not sure what that means but thanks:D

31-07-13, 16:05
It is "stuck" to the top of this forum so can be seen more easily and won't get lost amongst other posts

31-07-13, 16:05
I've just googled but I can't find anything for my area. Where did you find out about this Sarah?

31-07-13, 16:56
Hi Sarah, it is a course you can book on the lift website like the CBT ones or do you have to ring up and request a place?x

31-07-13, 17:11
I found out about it from a friend who works in Occ Health for the Fire Service so gets all the latest info' about these things.

In my area (Wiltshire) we have a self referral system for therapy which is called "Lift Psychology". Other areas may be called something else. You just go on the internet and book yourself on to any course you want.

These Mindfulness courses are a NATIONAL initiative so within your NHS Trust you should be able to find a course.

If you cant find it on the internet in your area can I suggest you ring your GP surgery who should have information OR look up your local Mental Health Area team and ask them.

Good luck everyone.....perhaps if you find it in your area you could post the info on this thread for others in your area:unsure:

31-07-13, 17:14
I'm in Bristol and the only courses that LIFT have on their website at the moment is the CBT course-this could be due to the fact the mindfulness ones are all booked out though.

I will give them a call at a later date to find out if that course is available here.

31-07-13, 17:17
Come to Swindon with me Kelly:)You could probably get there quicker than me down the motorway!!!

31-07-13, 17:20
Can't travel too far from home at the moment due to my agoraphobia-otherwise I would have said 'it's a date Sarah!' :yesyes::D

31-07-13, 17:27
Can't travel too far from home at the moment due to my agoraphobia-otherwise I would have said 'it's a date Sarah!' :yesyes::D

:D Well it's in September...so if you change your mind...

01-08-13, 00:12
Hi Sarah,

I did a mindfulness course last year via nhs in my area Manchester, but mine was via mental health team. It was for 8 weeks once a week,it's very relaxing if you can get into the zone! I came away with worksheet info and about 4 cds.:)

01-08-13, 13:19
Sounds good to me Clio:)

01-08-13, 19:10
Thanks for posting this. I have a mindfulness book and cd that has helped me, but I would realy like to do a course as I still find it very difficult to cope with a lot of thoughts.

I found a mindfulness cbt course on my local (Suffolk) MH website, it is only for people who have had more than 3 depressive episodes.

Can't help but feel it would be cost effective to offer it a whole lot sooner, quite apart from making some people's lives an awful lot better.

01-08-13, 20:41

This is a bit about mindfulness therapy. Obviously to see if there are therapists in your area you'd need to ask GP or local mental health people.

02-08-13, 13:34
It should be free all over the country as this is a national initiative. I suggest people who are interested contact their local Mental Health Team:)

02-08-13, 13:44
I am waiting for the next Mindfulness course to be held in the Autumn through my health authority. I have a space reserved just need the dates.
I have spoken to someone today about mindfulness and she thinks that it would be ideal for me because of my history and problem. I did the first bit of the relaxtion and breathing with her and am looking forward to it hopefully being what I need.
I have just started reading Ruby Wax's book and she has studied mindfulness and apparently it is the technique over everything else that she has studied and tried that has helped her the most through her various mental issues.
Let's hope we can all have the opportunity to get on these mindfulness courses and help ourselves improve our lives.

03-08-13, 16:38
I am waiting for the next Mindfulness course to be held in the Autumn through my health authority. I have a space reserved just need the dates.
I have spoken to someone today about mindfulness and she thinks that it would be ideal for me because of my history and problem. I did the first bit of the relaxtion and breathing with her and am looking forward to it hopefully being what I need.
I have just started reading Ruby Wax's book and she has studied mindfulness and apparently it is the technique over everything else that she has studied and tried that has helped her the most through her various mental issues.
Let's hope we can all have the opportunity to get on these mindfulness courses and help ourselves improve our lives.

I am so glad someone else has mentioned her book:D I was beginning to think I was going a little crazy:yesyes:

08-11-13, 19:15
I really really struggled with mindfulness. It sounded great but I couldn't get away with it.

I'd love to give it another go so this is great to know as I know a few people who've really done well with it

08-11-13, 20:51
What problems did you have with it Chester? If you want to chat about it I'm happy to as I and some others have made great changes with it :)
I'm not sure about it as "a therapy" though...mindfulness can't be approached with the view to fixing oneself. You have to be open-minded and shed the baggage of anxiety first.

09-11-13, 13:09
What problems did you have with it Chester? If you want to chat about it I'm happy to as I and some others have made great changes with it :)
I'm not sure about it as "a therapy" though...mindfulness can't be approached with the view to fixing oneself. You have to be open-minded and shed the baggage of anxiety first.

I just couldn't relax enough. I loved the idea of letting it all flow and thoughts being with on a stream (as it was described to me)

I had a loan of a book (with CD) whose name I forget (calm soothing American guy)

The issue for me is that I've only just started accepting anxiety as an emotion as opposed to this villain I must rid myself of and fight with tablets

09-11-13, 19:54
It will take time. The good thing about mindfulness is there is no need to relax.
Also remember relaxing is a negetive, not a positive action. Not as in good or bad, but relaxing involves stopping the things that make you uptight such as hunching shoulders, eating food very fast, pacing around, brooding on thoughts etc. If you stop them, you are relaxing, plus going back to a normal way of life, even if it seems forced, such as enjoying your meals, going out, smiling and laughing :) too many people try to relax and ask why the anxiety isn't going. It's the effort they put into making it go that is the problem.
The American dude may be John Kabat Zinn?

11-11-13, 21:24
They are really good points and sum me up pretty well! I do relaxation as an activity and brood terribly!

Yes, that is the guy. Such a soothing voice.

14-11-13, 19:10
Oooh... looks and sounds interesting! I'm going to check it out. Thanks!

15-01-15, 00:44
Zombie thread bump, but does anyone know if this is still a thing? Had a look on my local IAPT site, but no info. Just wondered, before I start making phone calls, although I am not sure who to, whether the scheme is still running.

FWIW it's in the Peterborough area.

15-01-15, 01:51
Zombie thread bump, but does anyone know if this is still a thing? Had a look on my local IAPT site, but no info. Just wondered, before I start making phone calls, although I am not sure who to, whether the scheme is still running.

FWIW it's in the Peterborough area.

I've had anxiety disorders for 8 years and I've never heard of it. My therapist got me started and she never mentioned it and she was offering 3rd party services so would have known. The local mental health charity always gave infirmary on local & national intuitives and they never mentioned this when I was attending their weekly walk in sessions for a year straddling 2012-2013.

So, I don't think it ever took off.

I've noticed a few members on here being referred by their GP's but its quite recent so perhaps things are taking off again.

A proper course should be the 8 week MBCT format but even the lesser 5 week styles will be highly beneficial to you.

15-01-15, 14:50
Not sure why, but I have an urge to purchase a French car....

15-01-15, 15:25
If you go in to Utube and type in Mindfulness you can play any links that will take you through the process......


15-01-15, 18:04
I suppose the question I should ask, is did it help you, Sarah?

15-01-15, 22:45
Not sure why, but I have an urge to purchase a French car....

Ahhhhh, I hate this predictive text!!!:doh:

---------- Post added at 22:45 ---------- Previous post was at 22:43 ----------

If you go in to Utube and type in Mindfulness you can play any links that will take you through the process......


Just to add onto to Sarah's advice, there is a thread that was posted on here which was free as it was a donation based to charity.

EDIT: Here is one but there was another one asking for donations after completing it http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=137842

17-04-15, 13:46
Yup - it's about trying to keep busy and have a distraction, so as to avoid thinking too much. It's what I'm trying to plan for myself next week, when the wife and bairn return to work/school. A routine of things to do/people to see. :)