View Full Version : Help :(

31-07-13, 17:40
I'm a 17 year old girl I've wrote on here a few times, I'm really worried and want honest opinions & answers I suffer from health anexity mainly todo with my head I suffer from pressure head aches loss of balance dizzy spells but I'd started to get on top of my anexity and everything was getting a lot better but about 2 weeks ago I kept getting a sharp pain on my
Left side wich started at my neck and went
Up to my ear & sometimes inside my ear and sometimes also get
Like a blocked pressurised feeling in my ear too still suffering with this but have god a terrible fear of it being something serious like a brain Tumor or something been to the docs she reckons its todo with my posture & won't send me for a scan to put my
Mind at rest I just feel so stressed about this and it actually brings me to tears I'm terrified its a brain Tumor
Someone please help me :(
Thanks xxx

31-07-13, 21:05
I'm not sure exactly how to help, but it doesn't sound anything like a brain tumour.

31-07-13, 21:23
Those aren't the symptoms of a brain tumour as far as I am aware. Apparently, in their whole career most GPs will only have one patient with a brain tumour - that's how rare they are. If you look on my reply to the thread about heart attack, there are some good books you can read to help you overcome negative thoughts.

A good exercise is to make a list of all your fears on the left, then a rational response on the right. Eg:

I feel really anxious - anxiety is just a feeling. It is harmless, if I wait a while it will pass. It does not mean I am physically ill.

I think I have a brain tumour - I don't really have any symptoms. My doctor says I am ok. It is more likely to be something ordinary like muscle ache. If it persists I can go back.

I have a pain in my head - lots of things cause pain there, a brain tumour is the least likely. Stress and anxiety cause headaches. I am just jumping to conclusions and thinking of the worst outcome.

...... and so on.

Hope this helps.

01-08-13, 07:18
Thank you so much xxx