View Full Version : heart attack worry.

31-07-13, 17:53
Hi my name is Ross im 26 years old i have never been seriously ill in my life i suffer anxiety and depression and health related paranoia but ive been checked over by doctors and come back all clear everytime perfect bill of health.

So i cant understand why i am still terrified everyday that the worst is about to happen and that im about to have a heart attack does anyone else suffer from this and how do you people cope any feed back would be most greatful.

Cheers Ross.

31-07-13, 20:36
Hi Ross. I've also had heart worries (along with a million of other worries) despite 4 ecgs, 2 blood tests, 1 chest.xray coming back clear and 8 different.doctors telling me I'm okay.

A few weeks ago my health worries were debilitating me.and my.life stopped,.every moment was consumed with fear. I still worry now but I'm a lot happier than I.was.and I can get.on with my life thanks to being put on citalopram. It's not for everyone but have you spoken to your Gp about anti-depressants?

Anyway my heart worries stopped.after basically being told off by a paramedic. He said true heart attacks (artery blockages) are practically unheard of in our age (im 22) and.the ones that do have pre-existing heart conditions which I dont.have. He said by constantly worrying about.dying,.you stop living and I'd never thought about it that way. If your young and have a.healthy heart, you wont have a heart attack. He also.said by worrying I'm making myself ill in other ways. He was lovely and made me see sense about my heart. Youre fine :)

31-07-13, 21:10
I have frequent palpitations - hundreds, sometimes thousands a day. Drs and cardiologists tell me they are harmless and I am healthy. I am twice your age and overweight. Having read extendively on heart risks, believe me, the chances of you having a heart attack at your age, unless you are very, very, very obese, is practically nil.

There are some great books that will help you overcome negative thinking. I found them really helpful. Here's a few:

Dr Claire Weekes - Self Help for Your Nerves. Wonderfully reassuring book. I took it everywhere.

Robert Leahy - The Worry Cure. Easy to read, explains why you expect the worst outcome and how to let go of those thoughts.

Richard Carlson - Stop Thinking, Start Living. Again, a cog therapy book about overcoming negative thoughts.

You can download a free app with guided meditations - Insight Timer. I try to do the Basic one a few times a week.

Jon Kabbat Zinns book Mindful Way Through Depression has a great cd with mindfulness and meditation on it.

If I had to say one thing, it would be not to fight the negative thoughts and anxiety. You produce adreniline and more anxiety. Instead, let thoughts float past you, let them drift away without paying them attention. They have no power other than what you give them. Thoughts aren't real, let them go.

31-07-13, 22:32
cheers for the feed back guys glad its not only me worry about heart attacks i do spend alot of my time worrying and not living and i wish i didnt i will keep posting about how im getting on if u ever want to chat i will always be on here take care.