View Full Version : Cipralex no longer working?

31-07-13, 18:09
Has anyone here been on Cipralex long-term and it stopped working? I started it two and a half years ago and it worked wonders for my anxiety but now I'm having severe anxiety again. Over the past year or so I've felt increasingly down and felt it wasn't kicking the depression like it used to, but just in the past month my anxiety has come back with a vengeance. Has this happened to anyone else? I am seeing my psychiatrist at the end of August and I'm wondering if she will switch me on to something else. I am really scared they will try to augment with Abilify or another antipsychotic like the commercials suggest and I REALLY don't want to go down that road.

11-08-13, 07:03
I've been on it 9 months and feel like it's not working as well now but am only on 10mg's so I am going to go up to 20. Is this the dose you are on already? I hope you feel better soon xxx

09-09-13, 17:03
Hi tn13,

Started to take Cipralex in 2003/2004. Up until a year ago it worked just fine, panic attacks disappeared. (I have been taking it together with benzos, which I hate so much). Unfortunately certain symptoms returned (like being on the brink of an anxiety attack in certain "must avoid" situations). I meet my shrink once a month, she recently increased the dosage from 10 mg to 20 mg per day. Nothing positive so far (started to take the increased dosage a couple of weeks ago).

As a matter of fact, I have been searching the internet for weeks by now for a new AD that was recently put out to the market. Who knows, science might have found new, more effective solutions. So far no luck.

As my working life is full of stress, I might step out of business one day and will look after a herd of sheep instead. Fresh air, sunshine all day! This would definitely work :-). I have rather bad experiences with shrinks. I know I need to replace my current one but I am not in the mood to start analyzing my whole life again since I was born (I'm 46 now). Normal childhood, normal family, no deep negative impressions in childhood/ adulthood. I have my usual problems but who doesn't? All shrinks say that I must have experienced highly negative things in my life and when I say no they keep saying their usual mantra. Sorry for the long reply, I am just trying to cure my soul :-).