View Full Version : thankfully have been given a reason for my symptoms :-)

31-07-13, 19:05
Hi all,

Just thought I would post this as it may be helpful for someone else. I have had anxiety and panic attacks since my son was born at the beginning of may. Since then I have had increasing symptoms daily. These include:
Extreme fatigue, aching muscles and bones, headaches, dizzyness, trembling in the night, diarrhea, stomach aches and cramps, bloating, muscle twitches, racing heart, tingling in legs and feet, lower back pain, foggy head, vision slow and feels off plus probably more!. I have been told for many yrs that I have ibs.
More recently told anxiety disorder, hayfever, internal piles and I am very low on iron.
Luckily my dr has looked further into this since the low iron and done a test for coeliac disease. Which I didn't know much about till she done the test and of course I googled it, whoops!.
I came to see that I ticked all the symptoms for this and have just had my results back showing positive!. I just have to get through a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. I am so glad that I have answer and something that can be sorted through a change of diet.
Some drs don't realise how common and undiagnosed this is so thought I would share in case this all sounds familiar to someone.

31-07-13, 20:06
that is great news- i bet you are relieved to have a answer

C x

31-07-13, 22:50
Hi ccat,

Yes very relieved, feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders and already since finding this out my anxiety is almost gone!. Just knowing that I have my answer now and can deal with it has calmed me tenfold.

I just knew this anxiety stemmed from something else and that it was because my body didn't feel right.


31-07-13, 23:02

23-08-13, 15:13
Celiac diagnosis is a tricky thing. There is also gluten sensitivity supposedly. Sometimes the biopsy is negative and I don't know if that means you don't have it for sure or not. Only way to be sure is to stop eating wheat/barley/oats. Some people recommend no corn now too. There is also genetic testing, but that doesn't prove you have it, then there are multiple genes and some test for some and not others. It is complicated.

You may also stop eating it and the symptoms may not go away, though I don't think that proves you don't have it because it may be difficult to reverse, but you shouldn't make it worse. If you stop eating it and it does go away that is the best proof though, assuming it wasn't a coincidence or placebo.

If you have muscle pain you might want to look into myofascial trigger points. It is a complicated subject.

23-08-13, 23:13
Hi applewine,

Since reading up about it all I am just amazed and how it can cause such havoc to your entire body and how it often goes misdiagnosed for a long time. Thing is that doctors used to treat it as very rare but that simply is not case as more and more people are being diagnosed in their later life and struggled for years. I am just so glad that it hasn't taken that long of suffering for me too.

Apparently biopsies can be false as if the damage is patchy then the biopsies they take are pot luck whether they get good samples or not so I shall have to just see how mine goes. Still have a month to go till my appt.

I just wish there was more coeliac awareness out there, especially regarding symptoms because I never knew such a thing could make me feel so terrible everyday. So many people out there do not know they have this disease and must be having an awful time if they feel anything like I do.

Whatever my biopsy says I am giving the gf diet a good try as my doc said to cut down now just not fully yet due to my blood tests.
