View Full Version : GAD flaring up & flying to Holland

31-07-13, 19:39
Hi everyone,

Brief history to put my problem in context:
20 year old student nurse, anxiety since my A levels in 2010 when I had my first panic attack. Since then I've dipped in and out of terrible crippling anxiety and having NEARLY normal levels of anxiety. I've been feeling better generally - however I'm flying to Amsterdam next week.

I've flown quite a lot for my age and I used to LOVE flying - I would get excited just thinking about airports and travelling...however when I last flew to England a few years ago (just after onset of anxiety) I began to feel panicky and nervous on the short flight.
I haven't had a panic attack since 2011, however I had an asthma attack in October 2012 due to dust that builders had left behind. My asthma IS under control, I always carry my reliever with me, I have NO reason to have an asthma attack....but I'm worried.

I'm worried as soon as we're in the air I will panic about the plane going down (i.e. WHY is the engine making that noise?! Is the wing supposed to be tilting that way?! Why are we leaning over to the side?! Are we nearly there yet oh my god oh my god...the usual). I'm worried when I will panic I will hyperventilate, my heart will race and I will feel unable to breathe and make my brain think I'm having an asthma attack (panic attacks unfortunately can induce asthma attacks if it is severe enough).

It will be hard to be cool, calm and collected 10,000 ft in the air, my boyfriend will be with me and he's been with me through anxiety at 4am in the morning etc so he knows what to do to calm me as much as possible. I've left it a bit late to go down the diazepam route as it will be hard to get a doctors appointment before Monday. I've put off making an appointment as I feel I do not want to take diazepam - I shouldn't need to, I'm 20, I have nothing to fear, I want to conquer this myself etc...however I'm worried my anxiety will let me down and my good intentions will fail me.

Apologies for the long post - I guess what I'm asking is does anyone have any advice? I'm terrified of making a fool of myself - I qualify as a nurse next year but I'm scared of something completely irrational, I usually have high self esteem but my anxiety makes me feel pathetic.
Thank you in advance.

01-08-13, 15:44
I know how you're feeling, I was exactly the same when I went to Ibiza this year. Even though flying doesn't bother me I felt nervous and increased anxiety the 2 weeks leading to it.
All I can say to try help is that with anxiety we tend to pre-worry about future events even if it's something we've done before but as soon as you're there you'll find it doesn't actually bother you and start to relax. Just try not to think about it now (which I know is easier said than done) and tell yourself it's nothing worth worrying about :)

Have a nice time too!