View Full Version : Here goes nothing......

01-08-13, 04:32
Ok?! So this is taking alot of courage to say this but im having an anxiety attack from my thoughts! Ive had anxiety for about ten yrs. took prozac first time then clexa niw on prozac for the second time around. Been about 2 months now! Ive been feeling great but sometimes i get thoughts of stabbing myself or others and i start to panic from the thoughts! This is happening now and i dont want to sound mental and i would never hurt a single soul!! My mom has physitzophrenia so i always think ill end up like her. I think i slowly formed an ocd thought and i get anxiety when i think them! I am a loving caring person and would never want to hurt anyone .. Hell i dont even kill bugs i feel bad! Please someone help n tell me i wont act out on these horrid thoughts and how to make them go away:(

01-08-13, 07:44
hi you are not going mad, and the Prozac will not fully kicked in by now if you do not see an improvement by 12 weeks go back to the dr and get some advice, we all get fleeting moments of worry like you have but we do not act on them so try and tell yourself thinking and doing are two very different things, blessings

01-08-13, 15:39
thank you aggiecuttler.... that makes me feel better. i know its just a thought and i know i would never act on it, but the thought gives me major anxiety and i start to panic, like oh my what if do act on it, but the fact that it gives me anxiety and knowing its a bad irrational thought is a good thing. My brain messes with me. im so scared of going crazy, but ive been thinking i would go crazy for about ten years now and im still sane. lol i just dont want to start having an obsessive thought and get anxiety from it:( i Hate the way my brain works sometimes but i refuse to let this or anxiety ruin my life:)