View Full Version : Help!!!! Stiff neck and headache am I dying

01-08-13, 05:36
I have had stiff neck for 2days now it's also giving me a headache

when i move my shoulder my head hurts my necks hurts and my chest hurts on left side do i have a brain tumor or something am i dying help please?

01-08-13, 07:32
sounds like you have injured yourself just give it some time and it will go I am sure you do not have a BT or are dying blessings

01-08-13, 09:00
Sounds very like a muscle. Hot shower directed onto it, voltarol gel (check with the pharmacist re any other meds you are on) and gentle shoulder rolls... Also make sure your neck is supported at night.

01-08-13, 17:35
i will try this thanks

01-08-13, 18:20
You're not dying if that helps.