View Full Version : It's not fair

01-08-13, 10:10
Just when you think you have cracked it boom back it comes and bites you on the butt. Have been fine all week no anxiety/panic managing to get out and about in my safe zone and wake up today and for no reason at all it's there as soon as I open my eyes. I don't know about others but I find it easier to deal with when I know the reason why I am anxious, it's so annoying when it's for no apparent reason at all. Oh well back to the drawing board, can't let it get me down. It's a heavy load we have to carry some days :mad:

01-08-13, 18:01
Too true Kim,
I've been having a better week but am struggling today. I wish I knew why I felt more anxious today but there's no reason, it just is, like you all I can do is accept and get on with it.
Hope your day has improved