View Full Version : Sharp Pains ?

17-10-06, 01:30
I was wondering how everyone felt about sudden bolts of pains.
I instantly panic whenever I get a gas pain??
I hope that is what it is. I get them on my left side above my breast and under my collar bone. I also get them under the breast. they are sharp and sometimes when you take a deep breath it hurts even worst. Sometimes I would not say they hurt just really alarming.

Lately I feel these pains alot and it comes from the abdomin and back and my shoulders and neck are so tight. I also feel like I am stupid, can't think, can't retain information and at work I feel completely stressed out and can't organize my day worth a ****!.

Can anyone relate and how can I pull myself back out. I have lost confidence in my work and need a life work balance and stop myself from falling in this hole. I have to learn to stop the worry of these pains being a heart attack or something sinister.

The worst is the heart and stroke commercials saying to what for symptoms of dizzy, blurred, confusion and arms weakness, hell that is everday for me sometimes.

Feedback would be appreciated.

Thank you,


17-10-06, 12:03
I can definately relate to this I get these pains a lot and although I am almost 100% better, they still freak me out from time to time. Its impossible to ignore when pain is like this, but dont add further fear keep in your mind that it is only gas! . Hope this helps hun x

17-10-06, 13:40
Hi there,anxiety can cause lots of aches and pains.I quite often get a build up of gas,and believe me it can be painful.I usually have half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water,or some bottled soda water.I find it helps alot.
Take care

Ellen XX