View Full Version : Pain in right side of neck!

01-08-13, 12:23
I've been coping ok with the anxiety recently by distracting myself from it, but with a new symptom it's back with a vengeance!!

For the last few days I've had a painful area on the right side of my neck, directly below my ear but midway up my neck if that makes sense? It's not swollen at all and I can't always feel it - it's painful when touched though, and hurts more when I look up :(

Mind is in overdrive thinking about all the horrible things it could be - resisting the temptation to Google so far but it's making all my other anxiety symptoms kick in!!

Does anyone else have this at all?

Em x

01-08-13, 15:55
Hello Emily,

I think the ultimate challenge with HA is to accept the uncertainty. To know that it is probably a benign problem, and not a terminal illness. When you get worried or concerned about your HA, try to think about the goal in the long term-- to live without the constant fear of dying.

About your neck... it sounds fine and normal but I want to avoid telling you that it is TOTALLY OK because I think that checking can become an HA compulsion in itself. The anxiety is uncomfortable, and awful, but the more you sit with it without googling, the more it will decrease.

Best of luck! Congrats on not googling!

-- Jen

01-08-13, 18:15
That certainly sounds like you've pulled or strain a muscle, the sternocleidomastoid.