View Full Version : Oh no think i've worked it out....melanoma

01-08-13, 13:16
well i have frightened myself to death!

regarding my swollen neck glands, i remember an insect bite on my leg which made me go down the path of lyme disease.

well i have googled the types of melanoma spots and the thing on my leg looked exactly the same as some of the pictures - nodular melanoma.

it was a red sore and really itchy which looked infected and developed a black scab. I picked the scab off and cleaned it and it healed up. Not long after this my glands swelled. at the time i dont remember how long i had it but presumed it was from my holiday in spain somehow.

i am totally freaking out. this type of melanoma can spread through the body in 3 months which explains why i am so poorly!

but how can i have normal blood results, even no inflammation??

i think ive hit the nail on the head! whats worst is that all im left with is a scar so i cant even show the doctor!

01-08-13, 13:22
Then it is not a Malignant Melanoma. If it was it would still be there and have not healed.

01-08-13, 14:09
that's what a few people have said but they do heal when people have them surgically removed so what's the difference in picking it out. it did just look like a normal injury when I removed the scab.

01-08-13, 14:46
The difference is that when you have it surgically removed they dig it out much further down; they don't just scrape the top off (which is essentially all you've done by removing the scar). My partner had two moles removed - benign as it turned out - and they really dig down and leave a bit of a hole. Kind of getting it out by the roots, I guess. Picking off a scab - even a big one - wouldn't do that. If it was melanoma it wouldn't just be a scar - it would be coming back. Swollen glands don't mean much - my glands swell when I have a mouth ulcer!

01-08-13, 15:00
I agree with Emlica. I have had moles removed, and I am left with a large indent in the skin. And even then, parts of the mole came back over time (they were removed 20 yrs ago).

See this is the problem with health anxiety. We look things up to put on minds at ease, and it may work (usually doesn't), but eventually we stumble on something and make a connection that scares us.

When I had my swollen lymph nodes in my neck I did the same thing. If I got a nosebleed, it must be connected to the nodes. A rash,,, must be connected. None of it was, and eventually the nodes went away. I am sure this is how it will end up for you.

01-08-13, 15:09
I agree with Emlica. I have had moles removed, and I am left with a large indent in the skin. And even then, parts of the mole came back over time (they were removed 20 yrs ago).

See this is the problem with health anxiety. We look things up to put on minds at ease, and it may work (usually doesn't), but eventually we stumble on something and make a connection that scares us.

When I had my swollen lymph nodes in my neck I did the same thing. If I got a nosebleed, it must be connected to the nodes. A rash,,, must be connected. None of it was, and eventually the nodes went away. I am sure this is how it will end up for you.

You are very right, i keep making connections!

I stopped myself going to the doctors today in panic mode - can't believe ive managed to do that!

I think it would not heal if it was cancer, infact thats the only thing keeping me going.

01-08-13, 15:35
You are very right, i keep making connections!

I stopped myself going to the doctors today in panic mode - can't believe ive managed to do that!

I think it would not heal if it was cancer, infact thats the only thing keeping me going.

Yes - keep focussing on that, because it's true. Picking a scab off something that was malignant wouldn't cause it to heal up. If you're addicted to googling symptoms, you'll find the phrase 'that doesn't heal' features heavily in all the 'look out for skin cancer' type stuff.

01-08-13, 16:48
Yes - keep focussing on that, because it's true. Picking a scab off something that was malignant wouldn't cause it to heal up. If you're addicted to googling symptoms, you'll find the phrase 'that doesn't heal' features heavily in all the 'look out for skin cancer' type stuff.

its the only thing ive got!

01-08-13, 18:17
From what you've said, it sounds nothing at all like a nodular melanoma.

02-08-13, 03:08
Oh Darren! Darren! Darren!!!

Oh it's a good job that you're not in arms reach of me tonight cos I'd like to shake you!!!!!..............in the nicest possible way you understand :)

Darren PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!!..........look.......I'm even on bended knees now begging you :winks:

Ban yourself from ever seeing Dr Google again!!!!!!.......do you not see that all this is doing to you is feeding your fear???!!!!

Darren I could sit here and type in various symptoms that I've had this past week and I can assure you that somewhere along the line it will mention something awful :wacko: That's because when you put those symptoms into Dr Google, he will sprout out every condition that has those symptoms!!!!

I already know why I have my symptoms...........and do ya know why???!!!
Because I made an appointment and went to see my GP!!! it really is as simple as that!!

Now I could have gone to good old Dr Google and asked him, and then spent days being scared to death because of what he'd told me that I COULD have!!!

But I didn't want to know what I COULD have, I wanted to know what I DID have........and all that I do have is a strained muscle in my chest which will take a few weeks to sort itself out :)

Look at it rationally Darren..........how has it helped you now that you've done that???

You've said yourself in your opening post

**well i have frightened myself to death!**

That's not what I would call very helpful or beneficial to anyone.

You have your appointment with your consultant coming up......I can't remember if it's tomorrow or next Friday, so please Darren just wait until you see your consultant and stop scaring yourself, there is no need to do that :)

Please do let us know how you get on at the hospital and stay away from Dr Google please!! :) :winks:

02-08-13, 05:59
Auntie Moosie, I want to marry you. :bighug1::sign20::chairfall::lisa:

03-08-13, 00:40
Really Speranza :blush: Well I'm flattered :)

Now then these are the important questions..........

Do you have loads of money??

Do you have a nice cottage in the country with roses growing round the door??

Do you have a convertable car so that we can drive through the country lanes with the breeze blowing our hair??

If you can answer "yes" to those 3 little questions.........then I'm all yours!! :winks:

Oh and one more thing..........at the wedding........I'm wearing the white dress okay??.......with my white hair I'll look just like a meringue.........good looking or what??? :shades:

:roflmao: :bighug1:

03-08-13, 01:26
My doctor once told me that a patient of his turned up with 105 pages that he had downloaded off the internet and were related to his perceived illness. He didn't have the illness. Nor did he have the medical background required to diagnose the illness. Dr Google has not medical background either. You may as well drop into the local preschool and ask the kids what they think. lol Stop using Google to try and pin down an illness. It isn't just a case of looking up a specific symptom. You start out that way but in the process you read all the other symptoms that are connected to that illness and then you come away and start experiencing those symptoms. You put the ideas in your own head. I sometimes wonder if the number of people experiencing health anxiety increased dramatically after the with the advent of the internet. Places like this site can be a godsend for HA sufferers if they can just stop themselves opening a new tab and searching their symptoms. I never allow myself to do that and neither should you. You don't need the angst.