View Full Version : 3 different medications and confused !

01-08-13, 17:09
Hiya so I have just had my sertraline increased to 100 mg from 50 mg , also have a pack of 2mg diazepam , and a pack of 10mg propranolol . Any ideas how to take these the doctor was so unhelpful :( the only thing she said was not diazepam and propranolol together so how does that work hellpppp x

01-08-13, 17:36
Hi i take propranolol and diazepam and have taken them both together especially when my anxiety is sky high, you just might find your more tired if you do that as they are both supposed to relax you, i usually take a prop and then if that doesn't help ill take a diazepam, Im prescribed 40mg of prop up to 3 x a day and 2mg of diazepam up to 3 x a day so i just space them out evenly throughout the day if i need them, hope this helps x x