View Full Version : Hello from Scotland

01-08-13, 18:46
Hi there.

My name is Stuart and I've been suffering from health anxiety for what must be about 5 or 6 years now. I don't worry about heart attacks or MS or AIDS but the one huge obstacle in my life is the fear of me, or someone close to me, getting Cancer.

Everytime I feel something is wrong or different or I get an unusual pain I link it to some kind of cancer and the downward spiral begins. I'm not one for googling my symptoms thankfully but I've always heard stories about this type of cancer or that type of cancer and I manage to find a link between what I'm experiencing to some form of cancer or another.

Since I've become a father, I'm terrified of not being there for my kids and leaving my wife alone as a single parent and I am constantly seeking reassurances from my GP that I'm not dying. Over the past 5 years I've been pretty sure I've had blood cancer, bowel cancer, brain tumor, saliva gland cancer, skin cancer and I'm currently fearing I have mouth or throat cancer.

I've been through a course of CBT but I don't feel it helped me any unfortunately and the thought of dealing with this anxiety for the rest of my life both scares and depresses me.

Well that's a little bit about me and I look forward to getting to know the members of this forum and hopefully helping one another out through this terrible affliction.

02-08-13, 06:18