View Full Version : I give up.How do you know if you are really sick?

17-10-06, 07:18
I have so many odd sensations all of the time.I hear my pulse..Which hopefully is associated with ear blockage..I will be going to an ent in a few weeks.But I read about TIA's mini strokes and wonder if I have had one or several of those..they are simular to anxiety...I have been using the computer at times and laying in bed with my arm down..on the mouse and lift it up and all of a sudden my top of my fingers are numb and take a little time to not be that way..I think that maybe be carpal...not sure of that one.I also have had a week of turning my head to one side and getting dizzy..I think that may have been inner ear..I have blockage and infection in both ears..although it has subsided ...I mean the dizziness for now..Sometimes I feel as though my hands are weak..Like tonight I swapped from a small notebook computer to a larger notebook computer and my fingers felt like they were uncoordinated and not able to push the keys right..But maybe thats just adjusting to keyboard size.I got up today or this afternoon since I sleep late in the mornings and didn't want to stay up.I laid on the couch and went right back to sleep for several hours..I woke up to eat dinner this evening..which the wife prepared and after eating my pulse went up fast and beating hard..Does anyone else get this? I also felt weak in the legs and arms a little bit when I did get up..I think it was mostly on my right side but could have been both..I get a headache in the top of my head the last two nights at night time but maybe it has to do with the sinus issue I am having and ears..Hope so.I always think that I would know if I had a tia or stroke,but not sure if i would or not..also when I got up today before I went back to sleep..I didn't even want to think of where we live..I usually like to look outside..all Iwanted to do is go back to sleep...thats weird for me..so I started worrying about sleeping disease.I was at the doctors office awhile back ,,this is the one that set me up for ent..She mentioned a murmur that she heard and said it was nothing and I shoudn't worry about it...I have heard that people with heart disease tire easily and sleep alot...so started worrying about that..I also have recently a feeling of like ice water droplets all over my body ...here and there...its just weird..comes and goes but seems never to miss hardley anywhere including eye brows...I had it about ten years ago for about six months but it disappeared.I have it again now..not as bad or much but a little here and there..Someone wrote me and told me it could be MS..cause she has it too..and has MS..God..I hate to worry all the time.. But with all of this stuff and more..How do you really know when you are ill..? Do you just keel over and fall out or ?

17-10-06, 13:48

i know this is probably no help at all, but i asked my dr the smae question, he said " U WILL KNOW IF ITS SOMETHING REAL" i dunno if that right but thats what he said.

take care
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

17-10-06, 19:32
Hello I really sympathise with you. when I was suffering from anxiety I felt I had so much wrong with me every single day. Like you, I too wondered what was real and what was caused by my mind. When we are suffering froom this conditin we tend to become obsessed with our own health and imagine all sorts of aches and pains which most people have every day and simply ignore because they're not anxious like us. A Psychologist really helped me. She told me when she was studying medicine, she and all the other students suffered many of the symtoms of the illess they were studying at the time. it's amazing what your mind can do. I found the best thing to do was to become more active and keep my mind busy with other things. I ignored all the symptoms because I reasoned with myself that if they were serious I would start to feel worse until I really couldn't cope with them. They always went away and that's how I knew they weren't real.

I've beaten depression, panic attacks and anxiety.

19-10-06, 11:35
Hi Michael, it's me again.
I get almost all of the symptoms you describe above, and after 4 years i have finally convinced myself that if there really was something wrong i would probably be dead by now! Funnily enough, that makes most of the symptoms go away!
When it comes to my heart beating faster after ive eaten - it is very uncomfortable. I have helped this by cutting out wheat, gluten, dairy and caffeine from my diet. I also eat smaller protions, but more often. I try and walk around gently a little after i have eaten (to try and burp - it sounds gross but really helps!!)
My dizziness and muscle weakness seems to come with my anxiety - although I often think that it is the fact I feel so ill that is making me anxious! Actually, your adrenalin levels can increase from subconscious thoughts or reactions, causing these symptoms before you can consciously recognise that you are feeling anxious.
As the first person says - trust me, if you realy are seriously ill, your body tells you, usually by putting you in excrutiating pain!
Take Care

Happiness is a journey - not a destination

19-10-06, 11:54

I think this link will also give you some answers?


Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=healthanxiety)

Happiness is a journey - not a destination

20-10-06, 05:58
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">ps

I think this link will also give you some answers?


Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=healthanxiety)

Happiness is a journey - not a destination

<div align="right">Originally posted by Vickey - 19 October 2006 : 11:54:17</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


I think that you are right and for the most part I question everything but often keep thinking..Well if im happy this wont happen anymore..But somethings are real but not what you think they are.Thanks again for bailing me out.I read the link you put here and im feeling down now...to think that my life has had a relapse of anxiety.Years ago I had it now and again..and at one time in my twenties had it very bad and it went away...I am older now and have not felt like this in recent years but well we were living in New Oreans and now are in the middle of nowhere...and Its beautiful but what can I say...Being away from what you considered home for so long..in a place that is really beautiful,and you wake up every morning thinking you are on vacation only to find that you are on a permanent one 1200 miles from where you use to call home.I think my biggest problem is my mind has problems with calling this home and accepting it as such..permanent..If that makes any sense..at all...I get worried because its so rural I wonder what would happen if indeed I do have to call 911 ..I worry if they even know where we are...But they are only about 5 miles away but the nearest hospital is over 20...But I think and hope and pray that we never need to call them..I just feel a sadness that I am finding rather hard to deal with but I know that eventually I will accept..God..there are alot worse off people than me..that are still suffering from total distruction and loss of family members..Our loss is our children five of them scattered around the U S..We all use to have dinner every two weeks..but well when children are gone from home thats what life is..We had it good for awhile..but feel sometimes that we are lost and alone..But we thank goodness that we all made it and we feel the loss of our childrens prescence and our grandchildren but we both have endured alot worse in our lives ..and I know eventually it will be ok..I thank you for trying to help and feel sure the source of the anxiety is found in our depression.We will keep busy and keep reminding ourselves that we are the lucky ones..and try not to complain to much.I am so thankful for this board because it seems there are so many wonderful people here that suffer so needless as well...but its nice to know that you have someone if you need someone to listen...Thank you once again and thanks to everyone that reads my post night after night after night.I hope and pray that one day I can reach out and post to help someone too..and say its going to be alright.....Michael

20-10-06, 12:33
Hi Michael

Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves. I read your post and saw you were from New Orleans and wondered how on earth I would cope with such a lot of traumatic events around me... You have every reason to be going through such a difficult time and try to be kind to yourself and accept that you must be feeling very very sad and shocked at all that happened still. And for your children to be spread so far apart too at a time when you would probably all like to be supporting each other if you could....

It's not been that long and your world has been turned upside down. I hope that where you are is somewhere you CAN settle and gradually all your senses will ease....

Be very very forgiving of yourself as you would of others and hopefully some sense of normality will return...

Take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

21-10-06, 08:05
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Michael

Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves. I read your post and saw you were from New Orleans and wondered how on earth I would cope with such a lot of traumatic events around me... You have every reason to be going through such a difficult time and try to be kind to yourself and accept that you must be feeling very very sad and shocked at all that happened still. And for your children to be spread so far apart too at a time when you would probably all like to be supporting each other if you could....

It's not been that long and your world has been turned upside
down. I hope that where you are is somewhere you CAN settle and gradually all your senses will ease....


We were the lucky ones..We left ahead of time and everyone was safe..Someone was watching out for us and we were not like the people wading in the water there..We were on the other side of the river where there was pretty much just wind and some water damage and compared to everyone else we didn't have any problems..Its the seperation of family that I suppose bothers us the most and we do talk to all our children and even grand children almost on a daily basis..We are having issues adjusting to our surroundings..Its just a disbelief that we live here permanant.After the childen got settled and we were waiting for things to come together here we left and drove to connecticut and then came back down to memphis and then to Houston and then to Tucson and back ..just to make sure our children were handing things ok.So its not that we haven't connected with them..Its just we miss them and thats understandable and things are so much different here than they were there..Not in a bad way..Its just like waiting to go home to the familar and never getting to go..It will pass I suppose and we will make it..We are older and the older you get the more you resist change.I am reading books on Mind over Mood ,and Taoism and even Zen to try to help me cope and im sure that one day we will be ok.its just in the mean time its a little hard..So thanks for your encouragement...and as you do I feel bad for the people that didn't leave and were not as fortunate as we were.It grieves me to think of what happened and how everyone was caught off guard...but I cannot even now watch the specials of our home town because of the knowledge of our once life there and the destruction that has happened and the confushion of a people that once too call it home...But I suppose we all go through problems and issues ,and thats why they call it life...Thanks again..so very much for everyhing.
Be very very forgiving of yourself as you would of others and hopefully some sense of normality will return...

Take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

<div align="right">Originally posted by feege - 20 October 2006 : 12:33:01</div id="right">
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