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01-08-13, 22:07
I'm located in the UK, though I'm not from here (I grew up in Italy and the US). I study photography and teach English.

For the past couple of months I've been having what may or may not be panic attacks. I've been reluctant to use that term, but the shoe appears to fit (yes, I've been googling symptoms, but at least it brought me here!). No discernible emotional cause that I can fathom atm. I've never had anything like this before. It started with palpitations (and a feeling like I had low blood sugar or something), but those are mostly gone or not as bad as they were. There are weird warm head rushes, feelings of being "out of it" and a bit dizzy, loss of appetite at onset of episode (down to having to force myself to swallow if I happen to be in mid-bite at the time), floatiness, feeling like I need to walk around or go into the kitchen (better light in there and more windows, I guess) and just...feeling scared, I guess.

The doctor suggested several possibilities, which are slowly being explored. I had my eyes checked (turns out I'm far/long-sighted, reading glasses obtained, still adjusting, have just realised I'm being a bad girl right now and not wearing them to type this...ok they're on now), had a blood test to rule out thyroid problems, am on propranolol (which I expect is why the palpitations are not so bad), probably have a "bunged up" (technical term, that!) inner ear I've just finished taking mucodyne for (as well as taking up daily steam inhalation, which I'm loving for my sinuses and skin, but it isn't helping the ear as far as I can tell) but it's still not popping, and am trying to make an appointment for CBT but they're apparently rather booked up so it might be a few weeks before I can start.

I feel at least slightly off pretty much all the time, and more than slightly off a few times a day, which is a pain in the ass when I'm teaching. I get weird, more severe attacks in the evenings, especially around dinner time, especially if I'm trying to watch a movie. So we don't watch movies lately. My partner is doing his best to be supportive, but I can see he's becoming impatient, and then getting cross with himself for it.

I'm sleeping really badly, as I keep waking up in a slight panic when I try to fall asleep, as if I'm afraid to let myself sleep on some level. So I'm tired all the time. I have difficulty recognizing my body's normal signals like hunger, sleepiness, etc, as they're all just coming through as part of the general not-okayness I'm feeling all the time. The left side of my head feels fuzzy or painful a lot of the time, which I guess is from the bunged up eustachian tube the doctor thinks I have.

I'm feeling incredibly helpless and frustrated and basically barely living and I kind of want to cry all the time, as the prospect of feeling ok again is feeling more and more distant.

Hooray! :D

02-08-13, 06:14
Ciao! E benvenuta.

Great to see Dr Google did something right for once. ;)


03-08-13, 22:42
Those symptoms do sound like anxiety although it's always best to have other causes ruled out - it's good to see your GP is exploring other reasons.

Welcome aboard :)

04-08-13, 10:31
Dr Google....I love that term.........also loved the so you think you have MS thread which was started after Doctor Google diagnosed everyone who seems to have found their way here.

I digress.....

WELCOME!!!!! It definitely sounds like anxiety but Im glad to see your doctor is investigating rather than just simply diagnosing.

You'll find lots of support here hun


06-08-13, 15:48
Speranza, grazie! Spero di trovare qui un po di sollievo! (Thanks, I hope to find some comfort here.)

Mark - Thanks. Working on it, and I'm trying really hard not to be impatient and start questioning whether they're really trying, or just fobbing me off, etc. It's so easy to start thinking like that. Inside I'm all "WHY HAVEN'T THEY GIVEN ME A BRAIN SCAN AAAAHHH WHAT IF CANCER" while outside I'm trying to be calm and address the things they're actually looking at.

On antibiotics now for the ear thing, as the mucodyne did sweet eff all. :D

sammykaye - somehow, in all my googling and panicky symptom searching, I haven't yet self-diagnosed with MS. It's all brain tumours and aneurisms and blood clots that are going to zoom up into my brain and make it go asplode in Dr. Eggma's Nightmare Surgery. I am now actively resisting looking up MS. Not gonna do it. Nope. and thanks. x