View Full Version : Reassurance

01-08-13, 22:23
Should I keep going to the doctor for reassurance when I think I've got cancer?

My CBT therapist advises that I need to stop myself going to the docs as this is not helping my anxiety and that I should ride out the anxiety and over time it will get easier.

But what if I do have cancer? Surely it's best to get an early diagnosis to increase my chances of survival?

Seems very much like a catch 22 to me. If I keep going to the docs my health anxiety won't get better but if I do go then it may mean early diagnosis.

Just wondered what everyone's thoughts were

01-08-13, 22:39
Why do you think you have cancer?
You need to start enjoying life and your family.
You don't want to look back in years to come, and see all this time wasted on fears.
I don't have HA, I've had some scary symptoms over last 13 yrs, but I never go to docs..and I'm still here...
The more you concentrate your thinking to cancer, the more Anx and bodily symptoms you get.

---------- Post added at 22:39 ---------- Previous post was at 22:37 ----------

I've just read over 5 yrs your list of cancer worries... But your still alive, 5 yrs down the road, so shows its just your HA

01-08-13, 23:02

First, a warm :welcome: to the site. You're amongst people who really understand and I'm sure you'll make some great friends here.

I think you know the answer to your question by the very fact that you're asking it. By continuing to seek reassurance from your GP, you're just perpetuating your anxiety, sending a message to your body that there must indeed be something wrong, which you then look for signs of. What you really need to address is the anxiety itself. Have you ever discussed this with your GP and got treatment?

Stormsky's right, you really don't want to waste the precious time you have with your family worrying about what's very, very unlikely ever to happen. Of course, it's far easier said than done and that's why you need help with your anxiety.

Take care


02-08-13, 06:53
Thanks for the replies guys. I really do appreciate it.

I've already made an appointment to see a doc but as usual I've got to wait for 2 weeks so I've got a bit of time to decide what I'm doing.

I've been to the docs before about this particular complaint and been given the all clear but I feel it isn't getting any better and the symptoms may be spreading (although this could be anxiety related). I've always heard that if something doesn't get any better within a couple of weeks you should see your GP. Well it's been over a month since he gave me the all clear and I can't help but think something could be wrong.

I've got no one I can really talk to about this as my wife's father has just been diagnosed with cancer and the last thing I want to do is worry her anymore by making he think I may have it too.