View Full Version : how often does it happen? help me cope please

02-08-13, 05:41
I was wondering how often do you feel like crap from having anxiety and how often do you have physical pain from it and how severe?Ihave bad health anxiety i'm just trying to cope. also I don't want to make 2 diff. post so i was also wondering how ofter you have diarrhea and constipation? I have had it on and off for weeks I think it's IBS also I have badpains through out the day almost everyday from headache to sharp shooting pains in my head.

02-08-13, 05:45
Some people seem to get it constantly. Mine is only really bad when I am stressed for other reasons, in fact it is what alerts me to the fact that I need to take time out to meditate, etc.

Just a heads up that advice is always to see your GP with changes in bowel habits. Usually it is nothing to worry about, and IBS sounds quite possible, expecially as lots of people with HA get it. But it's worth checking fr infection, dietary intolerance etc.

No, I don't think it's cancer. ;) But just because you have HA it doesn't mean you shouldn't take certain symptoms as seriously as the rest of the population. xx

02-08-13, 05:56
Hey! I have pains all the time. When I am overly anxious I have headaches, chest pain and pains in my legs. I also often feel sick and like you have weird bowl movements :unsure:
I have tests for my diarrohea and everything came back normal, it was just down to nervousness. My pain can sometimes be bad and scary, I just take two painkillers and try to rest and relax. Or maybe distract myself with a movie or crossword, it will soon pass if you can try and do this. The pain is as real to us as anyone else, just because it's caused by anxiety doesn't mean it's not genuine.