View Full Version : Absolutely no help for this anxiety

02-08-13, 08:30
:mad: Hi everyone, first I would like to properly introduce myself, oh, please
forgive the mad face. I am :mad: because, despite suffering from panic, anxiety,panic attacks, being virtually housebound now as all this is severly impacting my quality of life:weep:. I have seen various doctors, been to see a psychotherapist, tried to do CBT, nothing is working. I was also diagnosed as being depressed, I have been refused medication for my anxiety. I have had thoughts of ending my life, but I do not want to die. I have kids and I would not want to cause them more pain and suffereing. They are virtually grown adults, not small children. I do not know what else to do. No one listens. I have lost all faith in the medical profession and I do wonder if the doctors are waiting to see me dead. Sorry for this post, I do not mean to depress anyone. :weep:

---------- Post added at 08:30 ---------- Previous post was at 08:27 ----------

Its me again, Just to explain why doctors wont give me anything to calm me down? Well, they say, they dont want me to become addicted to calming medication:wacko:

I can sort of understand their feelings on this, but surely there is something that can help me?

02-08-13, 08:44
Hi there, you are certainly not alone :)

Just a quick to say something about the doctors, because I hear the same complaints every now and then from people.

I believe that in our case medication is absolutely necessary to give us the energy and will to deal with our issues. I think most of the doctors have to say this first i.e. I don`t want you to become addicted etc. It`s their job to do so. On the other hand, it`s our job to insist that we need meds, that there is no other way. If they don`t perscribe anything (there also some doctors who have this habit ) then it`s time to get an other one.

Don`t waste your time waiting. If it`s possible, find a different doctor. If not, then try to convince your doctor that you are suffering without medication.

Good luck and keep posting:)

Her Indoors
02-08-13, 08:54
Hello there,

So sorry you are suffering so badly, I completely understand what you are going through I am feeling the same myself and it is horrible.

That said, I am getting some support now through the NHS and getting specialist help and will be getting weekly home visits from a mental health team.

Please, please go back to your GP and tell them how you are feeling. Perhaps you could see another doctor who would be more understanding and give you the help you deserve, it is their job after all. Perhaps you could get a trusted friend or a family member to go with you to explain how bad you are feeling and that you can't cope and need something effective to help you.

I am being prescribed diazapam to help me as I can't manage at the moment; I have been told I can take this as prescribed for as long as I have to whilst an effective medication can be found to ease my anxiety/OCD thoughts. I know it's not the best thing to be taken long term, but I can't cope at the moment and at least I am getting some relief in the short term.

Change doctors if you have to, this is not acceptable, it's their job to help you and offer support to get you better. Please, please go back and tell them just how bad you are feeling. Message me whenever you like, I really feel for you.

Kindest regards,

J xx :bighug1: