View Full Version : Only 4 hours sleep last night and a full day ahead

02-08-13, 09:10
I'm going out for the day today and only got 4 hours sleep last night due to the horrendous heat.
Is it going to be too much? Should I sill go?

02-08-13, 09:45
depends what your doing today ? Is it relaxing or is work related ?

02-08-13, 09:48

Has anyone here managed on 4 hours and any tips? Should I have a red bull?

---------- Post added at 09:48 ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 ----------

depends what your doing today ? Is it relaxing or is work related ?

Its a day trip with friends.

02-08-13, 09:52
personally I would err away from redbull - caffeine and sugar is a well known trigger of anxiety

If its a day trip - I would say go and enjoy yourself :)

02-08-13, 09:57
personally I would err away from redbull - caffeine and sugar is a well known trigger of anxiety

If its a day trip - I would say go and enjoy yourself :)

Thanks. I will try.
Im just feeling so exhausted its horrible. Keep feeling like I want to burst into tears.

02-08-13, 10:09
Perhaps being with your friends will cheer you up and help you forget how exhausted you are, a better quick source of energy is banana's :)

02-08-13, 10:23
Perhaps being with your friends will cheer you up and help you forget how exhausted you are, a better quick source of energy is banana's :)

True. I have brought a can of lucozade anyway.
Have you ever only had 4 hours sleep?

02-08-13, 10:29
I've had far less sleep than that in the past! Try not to focus on it and enjoy your day. You'll probably be shattered later but at least you'll sleep tonight. xx

02-08-13, 10:45
I quite often only have 4 hours sleep on a night, sometimes less but I just have to get up and get on with life. If it is only one night then I am sure you will be fine...your anxiety about telling yourself you have only had 4 hours sleep is making you worse. Just go out and have a good day.

02-08-13, 11:17
True. I have brought a can of lucozade anyway.
Have you ever only had 4 hours sleep?

when I was drinking alot on Friday/Saturday/Sunday on a Monday when I was not drinking I could easily lay in bed and not be able to sleep and when I did it was very patchy and light. I reckoned on a Monday night I would get no more than 2-3 hours sleep and poor sleep at that

I would be completely kanckered at work the next day but always get through it ok. I do find when tired I am more prone to anxious feelings but I always tell myself it is because I am tired and to try and ignore them

02-08-13, 15:24
Hope you made it out today.

I wouldn't recommend this as a long-term coping strategy, but get enough to eat, and plenty of sugar to see you through the day. Caffiene can be a problem for many with anxiety, but personally I do not have a problem with caffiene and topping up on coffee or coke (rather than Red Bull which has a LOT of caffiene) might help.

Good news is you will be totally shattered tonight and sleep through anything!

02-08-13, 16:14
Girlafraid...I went through months of geting only 4hrs or less of broken sleep.it was the worse times in my life.everyday i woulf feel zombie and very depressed my anxiety would be throgh the roof...i got kind of used to it in the end and my wife just thought this was how it was for me forever more...so if i can go through many months of it.you can get through one night without sleep..chin up and you will be fine

02-08-13, 16:39
I did manage to go. On way home now. Very tired but for some reason cant sleep in car.
I know its stupid but now thinking I have that fatal insomnia. I know its very rare and everything.
Maybe im just over tired?

02-08-13, 17:47
It's harder to keep your thoughts under control when you are tired. Get some rest, wind down, and get yourself a nice early night.

Glad you made it out, and hope you had a nice day.

02-08-13, 17:53
It's harder to keep your thoughts under control when you are tired. Get some rest, wind down, and get yourself a nice early night.

Glad you made it out, and hope you had a nice day.

I know what you mean but it's difficult, sometimes I don't even sleep the next night due to insomnia, hope that doesn't happen tonight.

02-08-13, 17:59
Girlafraid.try not to put these negative thoughts in your head..have your tee sit down and relax.watch some tv.have a nice hot bath and a warm cup of milk just before bed.and you should be good to go...

02-08-13, 18:05
Girlafraid.try not to put these negative thoughts in your head..have your tee sit down and relax.watch some tv.have a nice hot bath and a warm cup of milk just before bed.and you should be good to go...

Thanks Greg. It's easier said than done but I will try, I promise :)

02-08-13, 20:08
Once you have a good nights sleep tonight.the next night you will not be tence about sleep,and you will be back to norm...have a good night tonight:hugs:

03-08-13, 09:18
Well I went to sleep at around 11.30/11.45 last night as couldn't sleep any earlier for some reason.
Annoyingly woke up at 7.20 and was woken up during the night at 2am by a thunderstorm.
So all in all around 7 hours sleep.

It annoys me I can't lay in anymore though :( I don't understand why.

03-08-13, 13:02
Thats great girlafraid.you only woke because storm,most people do and then up at 7.30.thats a result.if you had insomnia you would have been awake all night long..you should be on the road to normality..good luck.greg

05-08-13, 01:38

I had insomnia really bad, night shakes, rapid heart beats, the worst symptom was the hypnic jerks, these are the sudden jerk you get when falling asleep. I used to get 2 hours or less a night for about 6 weeks. I got to the point of going to bed and trying for 45 mins, then I used to get up and go read a book, it became a time when I began my love of reading and so in a lot of ways I have it to thank.

Just forget about getting to sleep, try once with all the right triggers, hot bath, no TV, masterbate, it helps!!! If you can't sleep go downstairs read a book make yourself a drink! When you feel tired go back to bed, try putting radio 4 on very low and try again. The best thing is your body will correct itself if you deny it sleep. Force yourself to stay up until 2\3 am every night and it will do all the work, before long you will feel so tired you will be back to it. One last thing, do not allow yourself to sleep in the day! Keep it for the wee hours. Finally enjoy the journey


Ex champion insomniac.

05-08-13, 11:12
I worry a lot about getting enough sleep, as I had glandular fever when I was younger - albeit 20 years ago.
I actually find that about 6 hours sleep a night is about enough for me. Whatever time I go to bed, my body will naturally wake me up 6 hours later. If I go back to sleep for a bit, I feel dreadful!
Hope you managed to feel more rested soon.