View Full Version : Exercise - it actually helps!

02-08-13, 09:25

I suffer with HA pretty badly! I am scared of fainting or having a seizure mostly. I've always put off exercise as I'm worried it would make me feel dizzy. Decided to bite the bullet yesterday, I had heart palpitations for the first time yesterday and really didn't want to go because of this but thought right, lets do this! Turned up and to an outside fitness thing, obstacle course and lots of exercise! All I can say is I had none of my anxiety symptoms the whole time, I was in a fantastic mood when I got home and even today I am still buzzing :)

I just wanted to let you all know that exercise really an help! Trust me I am so unfit but pushing yourself out of your comfort zone has really helped! I also think doing different exercises so sit ups, lunges, squats, step ups etc is better than just running as you have to think about each exercise when your doing it rather than running where you almost have a bit of time to think about things!

Hope this helps some people :)


02-08-13, 12:29
It certainly does, and over time it will be a great help with anxiety.

02-08-13, 18:26
I exercise most days, but whenever I am having a bad HA day, I REALLY throw myself into my workout. Sometimes I feel like it is the only time in my day where I feel normal. It also usually tires me out to the point where I can't help but get a good nights sleep.

I go to a UFC gym and take classes normally, but I also love hiking out of doors. Sometimes the nature+workout helps calm my nerves. :)