View Full Version : Bad day!

02-08-13, 10:59
It's definitely one of those days. From the moment I got up, if it could go wrong it has! My washing machine flooded, the cat was sick & I stood in it :doh:, I spilt coffee all over me as I was about to leave the house, I tripped over on the way to work, my computer wouldn't work, all my month end paperwork has printed with the wrong date on (a wasted hour) and everyone in my department is leaving early today so I'll be on my own! On a more serious note; we found out this morning that my partners nan is back in hospital and it isn't looking good. She has terminal cancer and fell over yesterday and split her head open. She is now blind (don't know if it's fall related or the cancer) and dozing in and out of conciousness :weep:! We're going up to see her later and I'm not looking forward to it. I don't mean for this to sound selfish but I hate hospitals. It's something we need to do though and I will get through it because it's not about me and it's the right thing to do. All I can think about are the 2 bottles of wine I have in my fridge on chill! Can't wait to break into them later. Rant over!! xx

02-08-13, 16:38
That is certainly a bad day, you poor thing.
I certainly can empathise about the cat sick thing - I did it the other night. A massive soggy moggy fur ball squigged right between my toes - not pleasant at the best of times but especially when plodding along half asleep in the dark to the loo!
So sad about your partner's nan - as you say you are doing the right thing and you will feel so much better when you have visited her. I hope that she is as comfortable as possible.
You definitely will have deserved that glass or 3 of vino tonight.
Take care. x

02-08-13, 19:26
Hi Michelle , that does sound like a bad day, sorry to hear about your partners nan, really sad news and it does not sound selfish about hating hospitals, I shake I soon as I get near the car park! Hope the day has got a bit better for you . Take Care. :hugs: x

02-08-13, 22:38
Oh no meche, what a day...... I feel for you, I really do!!!!!
I am the same with hospitals. I wish I wasn't. I find I do the bare minimum visiting but will make myself go. I think that the feelings of being there are marginally less bad than the guilt I would crucify myself with for ges father if I didn't visit.

02-08-13, 22:58
Aw thank you guys - you're all so lovely. The hospital visit went as well as could be expected. Strangely enough it was quite a calming situation. She looked so at peace & although she was asleep, she did smile briefly & opened her eyes when I rubbed her foot. I think it tickled her! That made me smile. So feeling chilled & relaxed now (a bottle of wine does that to you) & hoping for an event free weekend. Will stay clear of cat sick & washing machines! xxx

02-08-13, 23:06
Hope you have a good weekend :hugs:

02-08-13, 23:31
Thank you Kerry. Looking forward to a lie in & a quiet day at home. Big hugs right back at ya :hugs: xx

03-08-13, 12:16
How are you feeling today? I'm feeling a lot better xx