View Full Version : Question about symptoms and medications

Orange Lightning
02-08-13, 13:56
This question has had me confused for a while, and I'd really appreciate a good answer if anyone can provide one. I'm still battling with reflux and burning symptoms, and have tried to stop my medication in a desperate effort to prove if it is all caused by anxiety or not. However every time I try, I end up 10x worse than before and I am forced to take the Cimetidine (H2 Blocker) after a few hours.

My question is, if you can get rid of a symptom using medication like this, does that mean anxiety absolutely cannot cause the symptom? My biggest fear is a lifelong disease that affects my quality of life and cannot be cured, only controlled (i.e. reflux for example) so I really need to get to grips on what I'm going through.

02-08-13, 14:06
Not sure entirely what you mean, but drugs reduce the severity and frequency of anxiety and panic by treating the causes of physical symptoms.

02-08-13, 15:02
I take zantac for reflux. Don't think it is due to my anxiety.(might be) It depends what other meds you are on. or what food types you are eating.
What about asking your GP if you can be referred to hospital to have the camera down to see if you have an ulcer ( forget what the procedure is called)
Perhaps it will help your anxiety.

02-08-13, 15:19
I don't really understand your question either but anxiety can definitely cause acid reflux. When my anxiety was0at its0worst my stomach would churn every day. My doctor prescribed Nexium amd that would stop the reflux most of the time but not always. It would depend how anxious I felt. I'm on top of my anxiety now and I haven't had to take a Nexium for the last 4 weeks.

02-08-13, 15:29
I started suffering from reflux as a side effect of medication for my depression. I now take omeprazole to control the reflux haven't had any problems since. before telling the GP about it I was taking 6-8 antacids a day with no help.
So would recommend talking to your GP about it.