View Full Version : haematology appointment

02-08-13, 16:54
just got back from seeing the consultant at haematology regarding my swollen glands.

asked me about history of what has been happening, my symptoms etc.

first thing she asked was if i ever had an hiv test! so that's being tested today.

she mentioned lots of weird sounding virus's which she is testing for too.

then she examined my nodes - all feel slightly enlarged, soft and movable - not like lymphoma or mets.

sent me for serology bloods, liver, bone etc.

has arranged urgent CT scan of my upper body in 2 weeks.

followup appointment in 4-6 weeks or sooner if anything crops up.

happy about the CT scan, but im wondering, what will they look for? is it just going to be swollen glands? will they check all my organs or only symptom based?

off i toddled feel slightly better, really need to try let things rest and let the experts work it out.

02-08-13, 18:22
you are in the right hands and being looked after that should give you reassurance so good luck and blessings

02-08-13, 22:09
Hi Darren

I too had a hematology appointment recently. The hematologist told me I have no swollen glands! Yet I can feel glands under chin and groin. She also did all the bloods on me and wrote to me saying results show no abnormalities. I'm due back in four weeks to be re examined. She said I did not need a scan but I could have it if I wanted for reasurance as she could tell I didn't believe her when she said she could not feel any swollen glands.

Where are yours?

I am pretty sure that anything suspicious will show on the scan. So even if it were just for nodes, if there was a tumour etc the scan would see it. My gp told me his dad went for a scan for his heart and they picked up he had prostate cancer. He is fine btw.

02-08-13, 22:30
Great that you had a good appointment. If it's a whole upper body ct, i would guess they're giving your organs a look over considering you've been feeling sick, have had some high iron and your glands are up. They just wouldn't want to miss anything. Unless they're checking for lymphoma just to be safe? Either way, they'll look for any abnormalities at all. Everything will probably check out fine. It's good you're getting screened for a lot of viruses; I sometimes wonder if I have a chronic one or something.

02-08-13, 22:53
Oh it's good to hear from you Darren :)

The CT scan will be able to pick up any abnormalities in the area that they want to look at.

Now......this is the important bit..........don't go looking things up on Dr Google please!!!

You are in expert hands now and your consultant knows what she's doing, so please trust her, go and have all the tests that she's ordered and then go back and see what she says :)

Well done Darren :)

05-08-13, 07:43
Hi Darren

I too had a hematology appointment recently. The hematologist told me I have no swollen glands! Yet I can feel glands under chin and groin. She also did all the bloods on me and wrote to me saying results show no abnormalities. I'm due back in four weeks to be re examined. She said I did not need a scan but I could have it if I wanted for reasurance as she could tell I didn't believe her when she said she could not feel any swollen glands.

Where are yours?

I am pretty sure that anything suspicious will show on the scan. So even if it were just for nodes, if there was a tumour etc the scan would see it. My gp told me his dad went for a scan for his heart and they picked up he had prostate cancer. He is fine btw.

My glands are all in my neck, my main symptom is a stiff neck. the glands are mostly pea sized, maybe bigger and movable but previously i could hardly feel them so something has stirred them up.

My haematologist is thinking more along the lines of infection and throwing in a CT scan for precaution.