View Full Version : Lymphoma worry :'( so sick of this

02-08-13, 17:45
A couple of weeks ago my throat was a bit sore and one of my tonsils swollen, I was going on holiday and while on holiday the soreness went but my neck became achey and stiff, along with some pain in my ear and tingling in my jaw/salivary glands (like the tingling you get when you eat something really sour) all on one side. I went to the doctors yesterday about it because after googling symptoms (I know I know :-( ) I'd come up with lymphoma. I didn't tell the doctor about my fear, just wanted some reassurance. She felt all round my neck and felt several glands up on the left side of my neck. She seems to think that I've had bacterial tonsilitis while away and my body has fought it off and that's why all my glands are up. I've had tonsillitis before though and the pain in my throat was awful and I didn't have that this time, and this strange pain and sensation in my neck/ear/jaw is really worrying me :-(

I don't know how to stop worrying like this, I can be fine for ages and then my anxiety is just awful. I end up imagining awful things. I just don't know what to do, I'm convincing myself I have cancer :weep:

02-08-13, 18:20
hi cancer is everones worry i am sure you are fine if you need more reassurance go back to the drs and tell them your fears, a blood test would show anything are you taking anything for your ha blessings

02-08-13, 18:27
I am on fluoxetine for depression, have never told the doctor about my HA as worried that would make them not take me seriously.