View Full Version : Coughing

02-08-13, 18:12

I feel quite silly, as I'm 95% sure it's HA, but I have a niggle which is taking over my thoughts. Basically, I've had a cough for a week.. just a tickly one, not productive. I've scared myself I have lung C... :weep:

I'm not sure why I'm feeling like this out of the blue, I don't smoke (used to have the occasional social cigarette in my teens and early 20's but never actually bought a pack myself). I'm 32 now.

Please someone tell me I'm being ridiculous.. has anyone else got a cough at the moment?

Space xxx

02-08-13, 18:25
This isn't the sort of cough typical of lung cancers, but irritation of the throat.

02-08-13, 18:29
Hi Joel,

thanks for the reply. It's tickly in my chest - not my throat, it's behind my sternum .


02-08-13, 19:04
Yeah that's the trachea/throat.

02-08-13, 19:58
thanks Joel.

03-08-13, 16:26
Since the new advert about "Have you had a cough for 3 weeks or more" came out Dr's surgerys have been overwhelmed with appointments..................unless you have other symptoms of lung cancer it is very unlikely xx

03-08-13, 18:03
Personally I would follow the advertisement's advice and have it checked. By this time any tests will pick it up, and most of the time it is nothing serious. However, the difference with waiting for other signs of lung cancer means if it is lung cancer and other symptoms display, it's usually too late for treatment to have any effect.

04-08-13, 11:02
I wonder how much of it is actually in my mind... can you get a coughing reflex/behaviour a bit like globus/swallowing problems? The reason I ask this is because I only cough when awake and when I "think" about it.

I had something similar before which lasted about 3 months and made my life a misery. I'm off on holiday on friday for 3 weeks.. if I'm still coughing when I get back I'll make an appointment with the GP. Just hope my worrying about it doesn't ruin the holiday. :(