View Full Version : Hugs for our Nic

02-08-13, 18:25
Our Nic has had rather a stressful day, starting from her getting up at 7am!! :winks:

She had a MIBI heart scan this morning at Papworth Hospital and did really well despite being nervous and anxious about it.

Proud of you for doing something you really would have preferred not to do, it proves that sometimes you have to push yourself to do things to get past your worries and anxieties.

And Thank you and hugs to Alex for going with her and supporting her through it.

Well done Nic, proud to call you my friend
(even if I get the stressy Nic as you don't like to show it in 'public') xxxxxxxxxxx

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSF8K4z2RberG2FhBIQv5wlnidbbl50r ewUopjuvZJgsaDFt0lM1g

02-08-13, 18:40
Sending hugs for Nicola:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: for Alex
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: for Venus

02-08-13, 18:48
I hope today went well for you Nicola at least it is over with now xx

02-08-13, 18:51
Hope all is well Nicola. :hugs: xxx

02-08-13, 18:59
:hugs::hugs::hugs: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

02-08-13, 19:25
Well done Nic!! :bighug1: :flowers: :bighug1: :flowers: xxxxx

02-08-13, 19:30
hope all went well Nicola xx big hugs

02-08-13, 19:37
:bighug1:in fact... :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

02-08-13, 20:07
So sorry Nic, I didnt realise.

Brilliant that you got through it ok.

You are one tough cookie.

tc Elen xxx

02-08-13, 20:13
Sending lots of :hugs:

02-08-13, 21:06
Awwww you are in trouble Miss VBJ

Thank You everyone.

I really did not enjoy today at all (not that you are supposed to enjoy it as such).

The stress test made me feel yucky and I got panicky in the scanner so they had to let Alex in to talk to me as I was stuck in it for 15 mins. Then they said the scan hadn't got the results they wanted so I had to wait around another 45 minutes and get it done again.

I am still not feeling 100% but a lot of that has been panic/anxiety feelings so I am sure I will be ok tomorrow.

I have to go back next Friday for the 2nd part of the test so back in the scanner again so let's hope it works first time!

I appreciate all the kind words and loads of hugs

02-08-13, 21:33
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQa1TZqPZjo83w9uu4dU2bSK0HFXxapl TpcsJRB15utKsgCdYl16A I'm soooooooweeeeeeeeee!!!!

nah I'm not sorry really but please don't tell me off!

02-08-13, 21:55
Yeah hugs to you nic.... U deserve them! Big ones. And size does matter.

02-08-13, 22:33

02-08-13, 22:48
Well done our Nic :yesyes:

I know that must have been a very trying day, and it's much worse if you suffer from anxiety or panic.

But you did all of us at NMP proud...........you DID it Nic :yesyes:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

02-08-13, 22:51
You are forgiven Emmz xxx

Thank you for the extra hugs from everyone too xx

02-08-13, 23:38
:hugs:Have another... :D

02-08-13, 23:50
Blimey I can't leave you for 5 minutes woman and you are getting up to more antics in prison. :lac:

I do hope it wasn't too stressful and you have a very positive result.

Sending love and hugs and hope all is well. :bighug1:


03-08-13, 00:15
:hugs:I don't like hospitals much like most people I know but well done for sticking at it and hope next Friday goes to plan
frosty xx

03-08-13, 01:59
Thank You

I really don't want to go back again but what choice do we have eh?

Granny Primark
03-08-13, 02:11
Big hugs nic.:hugs::hugs::hugs:
You should be so proud of yourself for coping so well.

03-08-13, 14:36
Thanks GP x

03-08-13, 15:18
Best wishes :hugs:

03-08-13, 18:13
Well done Nic :D :hugs:

03-08-13, 18:15
Thinking of you Nic :hugs:

May your troubles be less
and your blessing be more
and nothing but happiness
come through your door



03-08-13, 18:24
Thank You all - feeling much better today

03-08-13, 20:52
Well done Nic, very proud of you xxxx

03-08-13, 22:07
Well done lady.x

04-08-13, 00:24
Well Done Nic,

sending you some hugs:


Granny Primark
04-08-13, 09:46
Hey nic you are an inspiration to all of us. It just goes to show that even with anxiety and panic things that you thought couldnt be done they can. Good luck.

Vanilla Sky
04-08-13, 23:29
Sending you love and hugs Nic :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Paige xxxx

05-08-13, 00:19
Thanks for all the extra posts now.

I appreciate it xxx

08-08-13, 17:12
Sorry Nic ...just seen this.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: well done you.


08-08-13, 18:02
I am off again tomorrow for the next part. Can't say I am looking forward to it.

08-08-13, 20:30
Good Luck for tomorrow Nic, you have done it once so you can do it again......honest lol

08-08-13, 20:38
good luck for tomorrow nic :bighug1:
let us know how you get on.
will be thinking of you

08-08-13, 20:52
Thanks Emmz and Rach xx

08-08-13, 21:20
I think I'd be worried if you were looking forward to it nic..... Best of luck and will be thinking about you....

09-08-13, 17:51
Hi Nic

How did it go today? Hope you got on ok.


09-08-13, 21:53
Fine thanks Jo

I didn't have to have the stress test this week (which I didn't like last week) just have the isotope injected and the heart scan and they reluctantly let Alex come in with me again to distract me.

I have no idea on any results. They said it would be sent to the cardiologist so I guess he will be in touch or let my doctor know the results.

09-08-13, 21:57
Well done for having the nerve to go back.

Great that they let Alex in with you, that must have been a help.

Hope you have enjoyed the rest of your day.

Elen xxx

09-08-13, 22:17

Well done Nic!!!

I knew you could do it :yesyes:

It's not very pleasant when you're on the merry-go-round of heart tests, I'm still on that one too, so I really understand how hard it is.
You've done us all on NMP proud again Nic and given us all more confidence to face our own demons.

Love and hugs from

The Mad and Bad Moosie One :yahoo: :hugs:

11-08-13, 16:33
Hi Nic

I think you were very brave and should be very proud of yourself. Not a nice feeling to go through what you did but you did it and that is a huge achievement.

Lets hope the results come back good for you.:)

Take care

11-08-13, 16:44
Wishing you all the best Nicola:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

12-08-13, 01:11
Awww thanks everyone

Love the pic moosie - thank you

I am not one of those people that worry about results.

I am sure someone will be in touch if it is anything serious - otherwise I will just wait until I hear. There is no point worrying for weeks on end so I don't lol

12-08-13, 01:41
That is so true Nic :)

That's how I'm dealing with it too. And I keep telling myself "well you're still here and doing ok, so it can't be that bad"

I don't know about you hun, but with me, it's the damn tests that I can't stand, the results don't bother me too much.

I'm meant to be having one tomorrow, but I'm feeling pretty burned out with it all now, so I'm going to re-book the appointment for another time, I know that maybe I shouldn't, but there comes a point when perhaps a break is needed, I'll feel better about it in a few weeks so I'll tackle it then.

:hugs: :hugs:

12-08-13, 01:50
I am ok with tests unless they do something that makes me feel weird or shut in.

I have had so many over the years that I can do most things but some tests I just hate.

PM me moosie about your tests etc cos I know you don't want to post on here about it all.

I don't even worry about the results - there is no point. What will be will be and if it is bad news then we will face it then. I can't see the point of causing endless stress for weeks waiting when the stress makes you worse anyway.

I believe in fate and I survived a heart attack and a massive crohn's flare up so whatever happens from now is meant to happen!

27-09-13, 03:08
Hi Nic,

It has been awhile but I am back.:flowers: I am so sad you are still having to go through tests and such and hope the results turn out great. You have always had such a positive attitude towards these things, it just shows what a wonderful person you are as well as Alex too.

Many :hugs:,


27-09-13, 11:53
Hey Laura

Lovely to hear from you again.
