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View Full Version : I made a video about Health Anxiety

02-08-13, 20:50
I hope the mods don't mind me posting a link to the video - it's here:


I would really appreciate any feedback, and you're probably wondering why I have done this:

I endured severe health anxiety with panic attacks for 8 years of my life. If you don't believe me read back through some of my old posts on here! I was an absolute mess and I realise now that I wasted those years worrying about symptoms instead of living life to the full. I will never get those years back. They were my 20s, the prime of my life. I have now decided to devote a large part of my life to helping others break free of the vicious health anxiety cycle, as I know that it can be beaten and without anti-depressant medication or therapy. You don't have to sign up for the free guide that goes with this video (it's free anyway) - it contains methods that were successful for me in reducing the health anxiety. Not a cure, as that requires a bit more willpower and determination to change your attitude (at least it did for me). Nor am I a doctor or any kind of medical professional (though I feel like one due to my internet research) but I have been through this and I know how bad it can get.

Thanks for reading,

Mike :)

02-08-13, 21:43
Fantastic video!

02-08-13, 22:03
Looks good but I feel like I will be asked to buy something

You won't. If you would prefer not to leave your email then send me a private message and I'll try to send you a copy of the guide a different way.
