View Full Version : ?'s about attacks

03-08-13, 01:02
So I've had anxiety and probably pa's since my senior year of high school. I started having really bad panic attacks 5 1/2 years ago. I got better, had a relapse 2 1/2 years later and then got better again. Well now I'm in the middle of a relapse again. I'm better at dealing w/anxiety now although these panic attacks are kicking my butt! It had been awhile since I had full fledged panic attacks so I kept thinking "omg is this actually an attack." So here are some questions I have....

~How long do your panic attacks last? From the sort of pre anxiety until you feel calmer or more normal after the attack?
~If you've had a panic attack do you notice you're more prone to have another one right away?
~If you are having multiple attacks during the day, how long between each attack?
~Have the symptoms or issues you have prior to and during panic attacks changed?

Thanks. Trying to wrap my head around this crap and get better quicker!!

03-08-13, 20:19
oh how i hate panic attacks, my attacks are short thankfully lasting literally a few minuites, and then i try to relax if at all possible, so i suppose in all with the trying to chill out it would be 20 minuites in all. yes i do notice that if i have one it seems to signal i am going to get them more oftain which makes you anxious and hence more attacks!!! i do get them more than once in a day sometimes, generally there would be a few hours between each of them more prone in the mornings prior to having eaten have noticed this recently, my attacks are generally similar, they start with me begining to get anxious, then i feel fairly soon on that i may hit the deck, and faint, normally can hold on thankfully, then heart pounds, and i am breathing very heavily by this point and people wonder what i am doing!! i can normally stammer "panic attack" before falling into my own world once again, i hope this helps i dont know if you on anti depressants by they have near enough got rid of mine so may be worth considering! blessings

03-08-13, 21:22
I am on meds...just started zoloft. I've been through all of this before...it's def not my first rodeo unfortunately. The panic feels sort of different this time and I was just trying to figure it all out and map out my attacks to try to get through it as quick as possible while I'm waiting for the meds to kick in!

Paul H
03-08-13, 21:58
I've just finished seeing a client who was unlucky enough to wake during the night with incredibly strong panic attacks. They were so strong that his GP had him investigated for epilepsy.

I took a holistic approach and we worked on his underlying anxieties. The panic attacks began to subside quite rapidly and are now gone.

So, panic attacks are not a problem in themselves but are, instead, a symptom. Locate and resolve the underlying anxieties, find a new way of approaching the resolution of unhelpful emotions and you'll achieve your goal.

Best wishes


04-08-13, 01:48
Oh they are def just a symptom...working on the other issues as well. Just got to the points I needed the meds to function and clear my head.