View Full Version : sore mouth and tongue

17-10-06, 13:56
Hi - me again

Since thurs i have had what i can only describe as a sore tongue and mouth. It is kinda like i have burnt my tounge on a hot drink, but i know i havent. It isnt really painful, it is almost pins and needles sensation!

It also feels like i have an acid taste in my mouth.
It is really beginning to worry me that it is tongue cancer or something
as my tounge just feels weird.

Any advice please - my health anxiety is at a high at the mo!!!
Thanks in advance xx

Hay x

17-10-06, 14:39
Hi hayles,have you started any new meds?could be that or something you have eaten pet.

Ellen XX

17-10-06, 14:43
I have had the same thing and I don't know why and do what you are doing trying to analize it to bits. Wait a few days and see what happens.
Acid in your body can really do a lot. It happens every now and again with the taste in your mouth and it can get worst if you let your mind push you.
Try to stay calm.


17-10-06, 14:59
thanks guys.

No new meds no, it has happened before, just a real acid feeling to my mouth, its horrible and uncomfortable

Hay x

17-10-06, 15:36

I've had this loads of times in the past and have it really bad today. It's driving me mad. Stress can cause it (look up burning mouth syndrome), or it can be a vitamin B deficiency. Don't worry it will go in time and is one of the strange things anxiety

Try sucking a sweet if it isn't too sore. It will help take the taste away. My lips are tingling with it


17-10-06, 15:45
Thanks Jules - that is fantastic.
My lips also tingle too.
I have been sucking sweets all day as that seems to relieve it.
Thanks so much xxx

Hay x

19-10-12, 15:52
Hi, I have suffered with this problem on and off for months and have tried many things including medications from the Dr. I have at last found something that works, it not only eases the soreness but also gets rid of the awful taste. I use sainsburys natural greek yogurt, just a couple of spoonfuls couple of times a day works wonders. I also have before I go to bed after have cleaned teeth.
This has made a great difference for me, Its the really is worth giving a try.