View Full Version : Paracetamol for Anxiety

03-08-13, 09:54
Hi all,

Whilst doing a bit of research into anxiety, I found the results of this study which seem to show that paracetamol (Tylenol) can work on reducing certain types of anxiety:


I wonder if anyone here has noticed this effect?


03-08-13, 14:27
The link doesn't work.

03-08-13, 14:48
Yeah doesn't work. On the subject though, I have felt relief from anxiety on the occasions I have taken paracetemol. I wondered if it was to do with the fact I felt a kind of invincibility if I was protected against pain.

03-08-13, 16:36
The link works for me Pip, thanks. Paracetamol usually cures all my aches and pains so I'm going to do my own little experiment with it as my anxiety is very high at the moment. The NHS doesn't recommend this as a treatment for anxiety though and commented on the research here http://www.nhs.uk/news/2013/04April/Pages/paracetamol-not-recommended-for-painful-emotions.aspx which is more about how the Daily Mail had twisted the information in the study in an article they published.

It's worth a shot for me as little else is helping, don't worry I'll stay within the recommended dosage and only try it for a few days until I'm due to see my doctor. I'll report back :)


03-08-13, 16:44
Hi Sam,

Yes, I read the NHS article too. I was wondering if anyone had noticed any positive effects on their anxiety when taking paracetamol. In the past, I've noticed that it slows my heart rate a little but I didn't think anything of it.

I guess the NHS is concerned because paracetamol can cause liver damage if taken too often so it could never be a regular med to take for anxiety. What I find really enlightening is how little we know about how some meds work, even something like paracetamol which was discovered in Victorian times!


03-08-13, 16:53
P.S. As the NHS article says, paracetamol isn't approved for this and says not to use it for anxiety. It'll be interesting though if anyone takes it for pain relief and notices this as a side effect.


03-08-13, 17:04

I wonder if it's a placebo effect?!! You know if you are Health Anxious then take Paraceptamol and any pains disappear your anxiety lowers.........just a thought:)

03-08-13, 17:15
Link is working for me now. Fascinating report, and amusing to see the Daily Mail shown up for its old antics.