View Full Version : Felt like being bullied during a panic attack at work (afraid to go back now)

glen hunt
03-08-13, 11:19
I had a panic attack at work on Friday, after having been at hospital the previous day for chest pains from a panic attack.
I asked to be taken into a quiet room when the panic attack started . I was allowed into an empty room to gather myself. Not too long after this a man came in and started holding a meeting with me about why I was off the day before. (I was in hospital for a related but much worse panic attack) I told him I was still having the panic attack and could not sign anything. He pushed for me to sign two documents. (He held the paper so I could sign as my hands were shaking so much)*

5 minutes, maybe 10 (time is hard to measure when having a panic attack) after that he returned with the head of HR who both denied my request for someone else in the room *as I was still feeling bad. The head of HR said I did not need one. They proceeded to carry out what felt like a disciplinary, it was implicated I could lose my job based on not presenting certain information to them. (which I was going to bring in the previous day but ended up in hospital.) I told them to make a note that I objected to this happening whilst I was in the midst of a panic attack.

The have done this to no other member of my team, still owing documentation, to my knowledge. I believe asking me to sign any document whilst I am having a panic attack is bad practice at best. I was then told to go home, returning on Monday with the documents . I was told I would not be paid for the day, despite having been on the floor for an hour at least before my attack started.

One of my friends told me I was being silly, thankfully the rest of my friends did not. Now I am afraid to return to work but also scared not to :(

03-08-13, 13:21
I had a panic attack at work on Friday, after having been at hospital the previous day for chest pains from a panic attack.
I asked to be taken into a quiet room when the panic attack started . I was allowed into an empty room to gather myself. Not too long after this a man came in and started holding a meeting with me about why I was off the day before. (I was in hospital for a related but much worse panic attack) I told him I was still having the panic attack and could not sign anything. He pushed for me to sign two documents. (He held the paper so I could sign as my hands were shaking so much)*

5 minutes, maybe 10 (time is hard to measure when having a panic attack) after that he returned with the head of HR who both denied my request for someone else in the room *as I was still feeling bad. The head of HR said I did not need one. They proceeded to carry out what felt like a disciplinary, it was implicated I could lose my job based on not presenting certain information to them. (which I was going to bring in the previous day but ended up in hospital.) I told them to make a note that I objected to this happening whilst I was in the midst of a panic attack.

The have done this to no other member of my team, still owing documentation, to my knowledge. I believe asking me to sign any document whilst I am having a panic attack is bad practice at best. I was then told to go home, returning on Monday with the documents . I was told I would not be paid for the day, despite having been on the floor for an hour at least before my attack started.

One of my friends told me I was being silly, thankfully the rest of my friends did not. Now I am afraid to return to work but also scared not to :(

Sorry to hear about the tough time you're going through. I can tell you for one thing you're not silly. Panic attacks are horrible and the fact your work is treating you this way does not help. Firstly if you're not well then you're entitled to time off work. It also does sound to me they bullied you a bit. The fact they tried to make you sign a document whilst having a panic attack is just plain cruel.

If you're not feeling to well then I would advise maybe going to your GP and maybe getting some time off work and for some advice regarding your panic attacks. I'm not familiar with employment law but I would of thought that the company you work for has a duty of care to ensure you're well enough to do the job. I also think that you should of been allowed someone else in the room with you but I may be wrong. It's up to you whether you return to work or not on Monday, but if you don't you may well lose your job.

All the best. :)

03-08-13, 13:27
I am so sorry to hear of your awful ordeal at work.

That is completely unacceptable behaviour on the part of your employer. Do you have a union rep you could speak with about this?

I had a similar experience with my employer and to be honest I lost all faith and trust in them...it seems they just don't get MH issues and IMO they need to be better informed about these things. I ended up telling my GP who signed me off sick straight away because of the impact it had on my psychological wellbeing. I then went to CAB who gave me some advice as to how to proceed following the incident(s).

I hope you find the strength to move forward...maybe some timeout to evaluate the situation and help you to decide how to start to resolve it. Your health is the most important thing here. remember too, you are covered by the Equalities Act under the MH section and your employer has a duty of care to you. Doesn't sound much like they have fulfilled that so far :lac:

Sending you a big :hugs: you will get through this but please speak to someone about the way that you have been treated.

All the best to you, Kitti :)

glen hunt
04-08-13, 12:37
Thanks .
I have spoken to my union rep, who was not great but was OK I guess. Spoke to CAB and a few other places , all of whom were horrified to hear of what had happened.
I intend to lodge a formal grievance , though I doubt it will amount to much it is pretty much my only real option just now.
They have completely failed in their duty of care, sadly this seems to be the way things are going when it comes to employment/unemployment and mental health in the UK :(

04-08-13, 13:35
What a horrendous experience for you when you were so vulnerable.

Can you be referred to Occupational Health? If they are good they will support you with all work related issues and be a buffer between yourself and HR.

That is just my experience, OH helped me so much, you have to be honest with them, but they kept HR off my back, HR behaved appallingly. But, they have to go along with an OH consultant doctor says.

Good luck.