View Full Version : Feeling really tearful today.

03-08-13, 11:49
Since I woke up this morning I have been tearful.
I had a slightly disturbed night, there was a raging storm and it woke me up. I also having been sleeping well lately.

My mum and dad have gone away today until Monday. I hate it when I'm alone in the house, so my paranoia/anxiety levels are off the scales.
I have to look after my dog so I can't go out, my friends are all off out tonight and I can't go with them because I can't leave her by herself all night.

My friends aren't being very understanding, one just hasn't replied to my text even though I said I could go for just one drink and the other one keeps texting me saying "why can't you just come?" And "I don't see why you just can't come?" Not understanding that my mum and dad have asked me to look after my dog and I can't leave her.
I'm not good at saying no to people and hate letting people down.

03-08-13, 12:33
Assuming you wanted to go with your friends tonight, is your dog used to being left for a little while? It might do you good to be around them and having some fun xx

03-08-13, 15:37
Assuming you wanted to go with your friends tonight, is your dog used to being left for a little while? It might do you good to be around them and having some fun xx

She goes mad if left for too long. Barking and disturbing the neighbours, tries destroying the house.

I can leave her for an hour or so but they're now not replying so dont know if they're drinking first or going straight out. (Also I don't enjoy clubbing! )

---------- Post added at 15:37 ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 ----------

Ok we'll they've just told me they're going for a meal and their boyfriends are going now.
My boyfriend is busy tonight at a friend's bday so he can't come so even if I went I would be like third wheel :(

03-08-13, 16:11
You could just go and have the meal and explain to them about the dog....that way you see your friends but dont need to go clubbing:)

03-08-13, 16:23
You could just go and have the meal and explain to them about the dog....that way you see your friends but dont need to go clubbing:)

But they're all going with their boyfriends and il be abit like a spare wheel surely?
My partner can't make it.

03-08-13, 17:01
If their good friends their not going to care if you've not got a boyfriend with you :)
I think your over thinking this a lot.
If you don't want to go then say no if their good friends they'll understand.
If you want to go and think the dog will be ok for while go :)

03-08-13, 17:03
If their good friends their not going to care if you've not got a boyfriend with you :)
I think your over thinking this a lot.
If you don't want to go then say no if their good friends they'll understand.
If you want to go and think the dog will be ok for while go :)

I always over think everything.
Yes I know what you mean, but Its not them not wanting me there because of their boyfriends, it's because I will feel silly and like a lemon.
I probably won't go.

03-08-13, 22:38
I'm sitting here by myself (I didn't go) and keep thinking they're talking about me and how crappy a friend I am even though I know I'm not.

Grr I hate myself sometimes.

03-08-13, 22:49
I'm sitting here by myself (I didn't go) and keep thinking they're talking about me and how crappy a friend I am even though I know I'm not.

Grr I hate myself sometimes.

You are not alone in this thinking. I'm an INFJ type in Myers Briggs and I over analyse too. Still, your friends could be a little more understanding - not that they don't mean well, I'm sure - but you have to do what's best for you.

I hope you feel better dear!

04-08-13, 06:38
Did you go x?

04-08-13, 08:30
No I didn't because they were with their boyfriends and I felt silly plus they went quite far out which meant I would have to drive back in the dark by myself. Nevermind eh.