View Full Version : College Presentation!!!!!!

17-10-06, 13:58
Hi everyone, Im new to this but what a helpful website!

I just wanted to see whether anyone had experience similiar problems to me and maybe have some advice!

I have never been given a definitive diagnosis of social anxiety by my GP because the first few times I visited him (a few years ago, convinced i had a problem with my heart!) he didnt take me seriously and certainly never suggested it was anxiety/panic disorder.

Since then I have self-diagnosed by researching on the internet. I find the advice available alot better than any I was offered by a GP!

My problem at the moment is mainly to do with work meetings and my college course. I put off starting this college course for years, as I knew I would have to do presentations (which I feel completely unable to do). It has now got to the point where I have bitten the bullet and started the course but as one of my assignments, I have to spend 20 minutes training a group of 20 students on my own, whilst being assessed. To me there is nothing worse than this and I am panicking about it already (its not until Jan!) - will i blush, mix up my words, shake, forget what im talking about, make a fool of myself??!?! Probably!

Does anyone have any advice on anything i can take on a temporary basis in order to get through this? Do you experience similiar problems?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

17-10-06, 14:36
I have a social phobia,you are not alone and you will find there are many other people like us here.You will get some helpful advise hereto.
take care;)

Ellen XX

17-10-06, 17:57
Hi Claire

I presume its just the thought of presentations that's making you freak out? I don't see how you can avoid it if it's part of the assessment. However, you could have a word with the tutor and let him/her know how you are feeling in order to gain their support.

I see you are in HR which means you must be people oriented. That will come over when you do the presentation; the fact that you are a 'people person' - just be yourself and people will respect you for that. Be sure about the subject matter you are going to present as this will give you confidence in your own ability. The more you do the more competent you'll become and remember that a little bit of adrenalin released into your blood stream prior to the presentation is the good adrenalin they talk about, the sort that will enhance your performance.

Be yourself, be friendly, be accessible, be approachable, be nice and the audience will love you for it and forgive any human frailities you may show. Good luck


17-10-06, 20:14
Hi Clairey!

A BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, you will get lots of good advice, hope we can be of some help.



17-10-06, 21:00
Find somewhere to speak in front of less people first. Bible study is one place i have experienced this, can be on 4 or 5 people. And work up slowly!

Love to all members

17-10-06, 22:41
Hi. I have anxiety and panics about driving , but never about presentations or talking to groups of people, (I am a company director.) I think its because I go up and pretend to be the "someone" I want to be seen as. A bit like an actor. I always have a pretty hanky in my pocket/up my sleeve, with my favourite perfume on. It acts as a talisman. I sniff it as i dab my nose and it acts as a big reassurance!Absolutely no one knows that you feel so nervous- another tip is to keep moving about, it hides any nervous shakes or twitches, and dissipates any adrenalin in your system. Another very important thing is to practise in front of people until the fear has been bored away! Rehearse in front of friends, family and pretend that you are a smooth talking professional.
Sunny Dawn

18-10-06, 18:28
Hi Claire

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


18-10-06, 20:29
Hi Claire,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

18-10-06, 22:18
Hi Claire and welcome to NMP. This is a great site, you'll find lots of support and help.

Take care

'This too will pass'

19-10-06, 09:34
hiya, welcome to the site


19-10-06, 09:46
Hi Claire,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


19-10-06, 12:23
Thanks for the advice everyone!

I am so glad I found this website, its so nice to know Im not the only one to worry about these things!

