View Full Version : could this be it?

03-08-13, 13:51
Hi all i'm very new to this forum but its such a brilliant idea i've just spent all afternoon reading other people's threads and its made me feel more positive already! I suffer with panic attacks and anxiety mixed together and have done since i was 13 now i'm 19! People say its just a phase and i know a lot of people who have suffered and are now right as rain, but i feel like theres just no help at the moment i have grown up with this and i cant think of life in a different way!
Ive litrally just come from the docs and have been put on new tablets called Sertaline 50mg has anyone else had this before and if so did they help? Ive tried possibly everything to get rid, CBT, Diazapam, concelling and nothing has really helped so far. i'm hoping this is the magic cure but i am probably soon to be dissapointed!
Sorry to ramble on
any help would be great
Thanks Ashley xxxxxx

03-08-13, 15:30
Don't look too far ahead. You have been put on new pills for a reason. Take them as prescribed and give it time. If they don't work out for you than your Doctor will prescribe something else. Sometimes it takes a long time to get the medication right. Hang in there and let us know how you get on with the Sertraline.

03-08-13, 20:23
Hey, I feel your pain. I feel like I tried everything as well but the big thing is acceptance. That's the only way that you can get over this. You have to fully accept that it's all just anxiety and it does weird stuff to you. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks mixed as well. It's hard and for example today I'm having a horrible day with anxiety and panic attacks. I feel like I'm losing my mind right now because of crazy thoughts but I'm working on my acceptance and mindful thinking. I just started to really focus on that and it's very helpful. I'm also only 20 so I can relate with the age. Also, don't stay away from the things or places that scare you. Face your fears and accept that it's okay to be afraid but the fear isn't going to control me. Easier said than done because right now I'm struggling as we speak but this is really the route we all have to go and we have to put in the work to get better. The scary thing is that it's all on you. You're the only one that can fully get you over this. Don't get me wrong, therapy and everything is necessary an you need people to talk to, some kind of support group. But if you don't accept it and make changes working toward facing your fears then you're always going to fall back into the same cycle. You have to really face up to it and stop fighting it and accept and don't let it stop you from anything.