View Full Version : I'm feeling really upset

03-08-13, 16:08
I'm feeling really upset and feel like I never do well for myself, doesn't help that my family are telling me I don't try hard enough to get help even tho I'm seeing a therapist on Tuesday. Feel like self harming, feel so alone x

03-08-13, 18:20
I get this. It's not nice, and once the thoughts are there they can be very difficult to get rid of. I've harmed to stop it in the past, can't say I won`t in the future. Right now I'm trying distractions big time. Is there anything that'll divert your attention away?

I've been doing a jigsaw today. Tried drawing, gardening and a few other things. I have to try out different activities until I find one that works at the time.

Different things work for different people people so this might not help. At least your not alone, I'm having exactly the same battle right now.

03-08-13, 20:52
Hi Hayley,

I have suffered with depression for almost 6 years now. During this time I have been told I am miserable, boring and in the early stages a few members of my family implied I didn't care for my daughter.
We all love our families and they are special but I believe the attitude of your family can greatly impact the severity and length of depression (and possibly anxiety/OCD etc). I used to get moaned at because I didn't discipline my daughter and now I am constantly getting moaned at because I apparently tell her off too much. I too have sought help from the very beginning. I have been on anti-depressants had counselling and am now having CBT. I too am told to do this and that etc when I am not capable at the moment.
I am sick of being told to 'just do it', sick of being questioned because of my choices and inabilities and sick of being told to get a job etc.
I sincerely know how you are feeling and my biggest piece of advice would be to tell them straight. Do not let them intimidate or demean you. You are unwell, you need help (which you have sought) and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Most people who have never suffered do not understand and this is sad.
I am in a rut at the moment and construct arguments with family members and friends in my head because I expect negativity all the time. I open up to them and am spoken to bluntly.
Sorry for the rant hehe, but you are not alone believe me. Reading a book seems to be the best partial cure for me, takes my mind off reality.