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View Full Version : I'm not sure what this is!! Help please x

03-08-13, 18:04

Ok so ive had panic disorder, anxiety etc for 13 years. It comes and goes sometimes its the "worst" ever an sometimes it manageable.
I've been ok recently actually better than ok I've been doing really well. Last year I had a bad reaction to citalopram and had terrible derealisation/depersonalisation I thought I was at the end of my mind. But in march this year I tripped and severely broke my ankle, really badly it was horrible I couldn't walk for nearly 8 weeks and for some reason my anxiety just went away.
The last few days though its sort of come back and bit nothing major an i can deal with most of it well but there is one thing that is freaking me out.
It's hard to explain but ill try, I feel like I am going paralysed, I have a wave of spasms in a particular area say my hands or my face and it feels hot, sometimes it just feels like I can't move my legs, feet or hands an I stiffen up and then panic a little. I've made it worse by googling it and because I now have metal plates and pins in my ankle I'm convinced I have tetanus or lockjaw or something.
It's weird because after the little spasms or whatever they are I feel spaced out and get a headache. I've not slept well the last few nights so my anxiety is higher than normal.
It's happening now actually I feel tingly, my arms feel like they are going stiff and won't move, it's feels like its right inside my arms deep in the muscle. I feel hot and sweaty. It's really quite scary.

Does this sound families to anyone?
Thank you x x

---------- Post added at 17:04 ---------- Previous post was at 16:42 ----------

Has anyone felt this or experienced this before? Anyone at all? X x

03-08-13, 18:04
I would suggest having routine bloods and an initial neurological exam with your GP.

03-08-13, 18:05
Thank you for the reply, oh god do you think it could be something serious? X

03-08-13, 18:32
It's most likely due to the injury to be honest, although there may be some small damage to the nerves if the tissues are misplaced, which can be common after injuries. I often get very bad central chest pain as a result of tearing my left pecs - and that was 12 years ago! The reason for blood tests is simply to rule out possible causes such as B12 deficiency.

I would be surprised if there was anything very serious wrong. As far as tetanus goes - I would be 99.9% certain you do not have to even think about that, let alone worry about it.

03-08-13, 18:49
Hi JoelHall,

Thank you again for your fast reply, it's very appreciated.
Can I just ask, would it be due to my ankle even though I've been having these feelings in my hands, face, arms, legs, back. I'm not questioning your answer, not at all after all I know nothing about medicine, bodies and things.
If this is the cause, do you know why it's happening now when I broke my ankle 4 months ago?
Sorry your probably not a doctor but I'm sure you know more than me, I know nothing apart from what google tells me an we all know how bad that can be for a person with anxiety and panic disorder.

Thank you again x

03-08-13, 19:01
Well feelings of numbness are common in anxiety and panic disorders. However, given your explanation it may well be that this feeling emanates from the injured leg, and the numbness which is being felt in the other limbs is psychosomatic being caused directly from this sensation. the only way to know if there is any damage is to have some basic tests - which should take around 5 minutes or so.
I doubt there is anything sinister happening though. The symptoms themselves sound to general to point towards any specific disease, although occaisionally there may be an underlying deficiency which presents itself in a seemingly non-connected way. For example certain vitamin deficiencies can causes neruological symptoms.

03-08-13, 19:05
Thank you again for your reply.
I will make an appointment with my doctor!
Silly me though has just looked up locked in syndrome and now my brain thinks I have this. Stupid google and stupid me for looking.
I feel panicky now.

Sorry for the moaning,
It's just that I've felt so good for a few months now that this feeling has come as a bit of a shock.

Thanks again x

03-08-13, 19:06
Ah well if it's any relief you wouldn't be typing if you had locked-in syndrome.

03-08-13, 19:09
Ha yes good point, I didn't think of that.
But now I'm thinking what if locked in syndrome takes a while to kick in! Like I'm getting it slowly? Oh bloody hell I'm such a over thinker it's ridiculous.

Thanks x

03-08-13, 19:15
Well it emanantes directly from the lower brain, so the loss of signals are straight from the CNS to the somatic nerves and all voluntary muscles are paralysed. So it wouldn't start at the limbs and work its way backwards.