View Full Version : Frequent Urination Worry - Anybody else suffer?

17-10-06, 16:04
Six months back, I suffered with frequent urination due to anxiety.
During this period, my anxiety was at it's highest so I paid to go private and had the following tests:-
- ultra sound x-ray of kidneys and testicles
- x-ray of the chest
- prostate exam
- cystoscopy of the bladder
All tests came back normal and was put down to anxiety.

This cleared up when I went through a bad period with my anxiety, suffering with worries regarding my mouth (ulcers and worried of cancer etc.).
I then went through a period where I worried about my throat as it was sore etc.

Well, the reason I'm righting this thread is that last night my frequent urination symptom came back and surprise surprise, my throat has clear up today.
I'm due to see the doctor in four weeks to check how I'm coping on amitriptyline (50mg) due to anxiety.
I was talking to my wife and dad and they both agree that there is no need to run to the doctors, as my frequent urination symptom is definitely due to
anxiety as I have had it twice before in the last two years and both times it cleared up when another symptom appeared and in four weeks time mention it to
my doctor.

Deep down I know they are both right but what's running through my mind again is that I should get it all tested again (it got my in debt last time).
I do not want to go through it all again and I was wondering if people agree with my wife and dad as I do not want to keep running to my doctor every week
with symptom after symptom.

17-10-06, 20:12
RED DEVIL This all sopunds very familair to me I have been through the same kind of mill with all the urolgy tests etc
They have put me in The BPH box after discovering blood in my urine which remains unexplained after the ultrasound scans flexi Cystoscopy etc and although I too had frequent urination for a while after taking XATRAL (alpha blockers) for 2 months the frequency subsided

I have also just started CBT and oddly most of my urolgy symptoms have dimminished big style and I actualy have a flow nowadays sio maybe a combination of the drug and CBT is working for me

I am sure your folks are right and as a balanced thought the medics dont make that many mistakes

I can empathise with your plight and am able to understand just how horrid the whole nasty circle can be ..loking for a loo and not finding one is just so big on the creating anxiety stakes

I hope things work out for you

17-10-06, 20:20
hi my names mazza you are fine when my anxiety is bad i go to the toilet alot as well i thought i had diabetes but i know i havnt it was all down to my anxiety so dont worry im doing an online CBT course and one of the syptoms on there when you are anxious is urinating alot so that put my mind at rest take care mazza

mrs m bevis

17-10-06, 21:07
hi reddevil your wife and dad are right here. i suffer with this alot and it is a anxiety sympton i have asked my doct about this loads.if i am very anxious i can be going somewhere go to the toilet get outside and need the toilet again like im desperate,when i have a better day i dont go half as much hope this helps. tracy

17-10-06, 22:25
Hi there I actually put a post in about weeing lots.I to have had all the tests done and guess what [Yeah!] all clear.Its not there all the time so I know its not serious,since being back on my medication its calmed down again.Its that horrid anxiety pet.:(
take care

Ellen XX

18-10-06, 08:23
I guess you know deep down that they are right and being sensible, but then 4 weeks can seem like an eternity when you are worried about something. You also know that this is extremely unlikely to be anything serious as it comes and goes, however at the back of your mind you are probably concerned that they have missed something.

I am assuming all this because I am the same about my "IBS" symptoms!

It's so hard not to go running back to the doctor for reassurance, but if you can stay away until you are due to go back then I think you should.

I hope you get the help you need soon because life shouldn't be about struggling like this .

18-10-06, 09:31

Thankyou to the people who have answered.

I just wish their was a tablet, which can stop me thinking like I need the toilet, my life just seems to be going down hill.


18-10-06, 15:41
Hey reddevil,

I get that feeling too!! It's a totally normal thing and as you've already been tested, you already know there are no medical probs. Theres a few bits on the site (one being under symptoms/kidneys) which explains this.

Hope that helps,

Mo x

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn......

19-10-06, 12:49
If i'm honest this is my worse symtom of anxiety as i'm uncomfatable all day and its hard to sleep. I have even been having negative thoughts today about life, is it wirth carrying on.

Is frequent urination mentioned in claire weeks books?


19-10-06, 15:20
Hi red,I know it gets you right down pet,are you on any meds.I went through a really bad patch with this,I had thoughts like you to.Im not to bad at the moment, so it does go away.I listen to relaxation tapes.Im also back on my meds which has helped me alot.I do still get it but not everyday.take care:D

Ellen XX

19-10-06, 15:37
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi red,I know it gets you right down pet,are you on any meds.I went through a really bad patch with this,I had thoughts like you to.Im not to bad at the moment, so it does go away.I listen to relaxation tapes.Im also back on my meds which has helped me alot.I do still get it but not everyday.take care:D

Ellen XX

<div align="right">Originally posted by ELLEN - 19 October 2006 : 15:20:58</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


I'm currently on 50mg of amatriptiline.
I'm due to see the doctor in three weeks time for a progress checkup, which he said the correct dose for anxiety on
amatriptiline is around 150mg.


19-10-06, 16:17
Maybe you need a higher dose,see how it goes at the docs.
Take care[:P]

Ellen XX

04-11-06, 09:12
I have been through what you have M8 and I just wanted to say that Things have worked out for me There is light at the end of the tunnel (I didnt at times believe there was too)
As my anxiety has improved my toilet habits have gone right back to normal and believe me its great being able to travel again in comfort and not getting the desperate feeling whenever I got away from a loo...
let us all know how you get on at the docs People in here do genuinly care for others (they have helped me big style)


05-11-06, 09:05

Yea I will do but my appointment is the 28th November (it's a joke).


05-11-06, 19:27
Hello Red, I'm so sorry you are suffering like that, I can totally relate.

I have always needed to wee frequently, and have to go twice before going to sleep, twice before a cinema film starts, twice before anything remotely nerve wracking happens!

However, in Spain earlier this year, I got stuck on a car trip that was supposed to take half an hour, it took 2 and a half hours. I needed the toilet for about and hour and a half of that. I felt so full I was convinced my bladder would burst, and begged my partner to stop but he wouldnt. I eventually managed to go once we got to Barcleona, but then I got a really upset tummy so spent the whole day finding toilets! This was before I suffered anxiety, so I didnt realise that was what I was experiencing.

At the moment I have a water infection, and if you see my first post I am going through the mill now, but I am now obssessed about going to the toilet, and it is really getting me down.

Stay positive and hopefully we can beat this feeling!

PS - After I got stuck in traffic again last week and panicked, my Dad suggested putting a towel and spare pair of jeans in my car, then if I need to go HEY I'll just have to do it in the car! I put a bag in my front seat area, so if I really am desperate, I can pull over, out the towel under and go for it!!![:I] I havent needed to but I do feel better about holding it in since I put that bag in my car!!!:D

10-11-06, 16:10
YES and I want some sleep.:(

11-11-06, 02:36
I have frequent unrination too. It's amazing how many physical symptoms turn up with a small mental syndrome.

11-11-06, 09:10
me to when im stressed i seem to pee for england, i used to have major anxiety about it, but now i know its anxiety so i dont worry about it so much
stay free

12-04-07, 18:14
Hi all,

Why does it always happen to me.

Had nothing major to worry about then all of a sudden yesterday my old arch enemy Mr FREQUENT URINATION has come back, why?

Will we ever escape this circle of symtoms caused by anxiety.


14-04-07, 22:20
Hi all,

Why does it always happen to me.

Had nothing major to worry about then all of a sudden yesterday my old arch enemy Mr FREQUENT URINATION has come back, why?

Will we ever escape this circle of symtoms caused by anxiety.


Mine always comes back when I have to further than 20 mins in the car! Its awful I know but at least you know why you have it and that its not harmful to you in anyway.