View Full Version : Feeling as if I'm not real and head feels foggy

03-08-13, 20:27
Last night my bf and I were up until 4am arguing, which of course made my anxiety high. We're okay now but this morning and for the entire day, my eyes have felt super heavy and tired, my brain feels foggy as if I can't concentrate on anything, and I just feel like I'm not real. Could this be a result from last night?

I have brain tumour anxiety so I'm nervous it's symptoms from a brain tumour.

03-08-13, 23:20
If you were up til 4am, no wonder you feel dreadful. It is not a known symptom of brain tumour. Feeling goggy and 'not with it' is because you are tired out and emotionally drained.

03-08-13, 23:22
Depersonalisation maybe.

04-08-13, 14:14
You're tired.

04-08-13, 19:56
Thanks for replying, guys.
Today I woke up feeling the same. Getting head pains when I move my head fast, in the top right area of my head. :(

04-08-13, 22:37
I've had the foggy/don't feel real feeling before. The culprit really is lack of sleep and stress.

I've also had the head pains! Sometimes we clench our teeth in our sleep without knowing (due to stress, leftover stress in the body etc) this tenses all the muscles, then we get head pains etc.

Since it started after what happened, it really does sound as though that was the trigger. I hope you're feeling better soon xxx

05-08-13, 02:40
I've had the foggy/don't feel real feeling before. The culprit really is lack of sleep and stress.

I've also had the head pains! Sometimes we clench our teeth in our sleep without knowing (due to stress, leftover stress in the body etc) this tenses all the muscles, then we get head pains etc.

Since it started after what happened, it really does sound as though that was the trigger. I hope you're feeling better soon xxx

Thanks for much for the reassurement :)
I guess you're right about it being a trigger to the head pains, now that I think of it, that's a good chance.

Take care xx

05-08-13, 08:42
I've been having the same feelings today, it's awful. I had a bad night's sleep last night which is the only thing I can put it down to. The more you worry, the worse the cycle becomes so try to accept it as just anxiety, get some good sleep, and start over tomorrow!

05-08-13, 14:08
I get the head pains with movement as well! I went to the doctor all scared that it was a BT, because it seemed so logically like a BT! Turns out, she did a simple feel along my jaw and diagnosed me with TMJ right then and there. It was a huge relief, but also a real pain! It seems to fluctuate with my anxiety... Hope you are well.

05-08-13, 16:49
Thanks again for the replies!!

Jen, I feel like i have TMJ too! No one has diagnosed me with it, but my jaw is always sore, locks, and clicks when I open my mouth. I've been grinding my teeth for as long as I can remember, so maybe it's from that.

Do you ever get head pains when you lie down? For me it seems like every time I lie on my sides I get head pains on the side I lie on. :( Really makes me nervous