View Full Version : How reliable are scales/weight loss

03-08-13, 21:44
I dont want to bore people and will try make this my last subject
last week I weighed about 6lb more than now
I was 15 stone 11 when I woke up, now when I wake up I am 15 5
I eat my breakfast and the most I can get to is 15 7
today had some after afternoon tea and drink and weighed myself and was 15 7
then few hours later I was 15 6 without doing anything. Now after going to genst I am 15 5 again and its freaking me out. I go on the scales and it tells me 15 6 then 15 7 then 15 5 all within 2 mins of each other. I thought they were faulty so swapped them but they still doing this and its driving me crazy
seeing as they are weight watchers scales I thought they would be accurate.. one afternoon I lost 3lb according to the scales even though I didnt do anything

am really freaking out in case in the morning I lose more and more. I am going on the scales maybe 20 times a day, its messing my life up

edit few mins ago was 15 5. now it says 15 6

sorry for being a pain

03-08-13, 22:23
Your only fluctuating between 1-2 lb during the day, which is normal.
You should only weigh yourself once a day at the same time.
I only weigh myself as soon as I get up.
Doing it throughout the day , it will change slightly.

03-08-13, 23:10
I agree with Storm - I only weigh myself once in the morning.

Your weight will go up and down all day

04-08-13, 14:13
Scales are a waste of time, just look in the mirror and pinch an inch - it's a much better guage of bodyfat and general health.

04-08-13, 16:09
Yeah I agree scales are rubbish.. lol I can weight myself on one side of the kitchen and then the other I have lost weight..
An uneven floor or using them on a carpeted surface can give different readings.

And yes also different times of the day our weight changes and also a full bladder can make the difference in a 1lb or 2lb so it can all add up.

04-08-13, 16:20
I am about to buy some scales. someone sent me a email to click on a site for slimming pills. Of course I deleted it. But it must have been a hint about my weight.
But last years summer clothes still fit me. I feel heavy though and my tablets I take all say that they could course weight gain.:huh:

04-08-13, 18:33
Losing fat is pretty simple - lower carbohydrate intake, eat less often, avoid processed foods and junk. Eat until you're full, don't eat again unless you're actually hungry.

04-08-13, 18:37
Joel, are ready meals processed foods? That is basically all I eat as I cannot cook.

04-08-13, 18:50
Joel, are ready meals processed foods? That is basically all I eat as I cannot cook.

Ready meals are bad for you, full of salt, additives, preservatives, synthetic vitamins etc.
They don't fill you up so you end up eating more too ..
If you don't cook, then have salad and some chicken etc...and perhaps learn to cook some basic meals..

04-08-13, 18:52
Everyone can learn to cook - even simple meals.

Avoid ready meals - they are full of rubbish!

04-08-13, 20:30
Exactly what's posted above - pretty much all processed food is useless - ready meals, junk food, pasta, bread, etc.

04-08-13, 20:40
Scales are a waste of time, just look in the mirror and pinch an inch - it's a much better guage of bodyfat and general health.

I TOTALLY agree with Joel, I got rid of my scales as I was in a situation like yours.... Taking my weight way too many times, I have felt so much better since getting rid if my scales. Instead m I do rely on how I feel and how my clothes feel too.

04-08-13, 20:47
Learn to make simple meals - most veg can be boiled, meat sliced and fried, eggs are easy. When I use to cut fat to make weight classes, it didn't take long at all or affect muscular performance. It's all really about learning exactly what the body does with nutrients, rather than the usual calorie myths or fad diets.

21-08-13, 22:26
this is unreal
either am losing weight or the weight watchers scales are garbage
was 15 5 -1/2
had sandwich, 2 small pizzas and a cup of tea and only put a 1/4 lb!
at one point it said I was 15 3!!
do i take them back, am worried sick about this
anyone recommend some accurate scales? what are best mechanical or digital?

---------- Post added at 22:26 ---------- Previous post was at 21:09 ----------

i go on them and it says 15-5 then 2 mins later 15-6 then 15-6-1/2 this is all screwred up

21-08-13, 23:03
My weight watchers scales do the same their rubbish I would weigh myself an the a hour later be 7 pound heavier I joined the proper weight watchers 3 weeks ago best thing I ever did x

21-08-13, 23:09
What sort of floor are you doing it on?

22-08-13, 03:32
I agree with previous posters that your weight will and does fluctuate throughout the day depending on what you eat, drink, urination and bowel movements etc. Also, one shouldn't count on the scale as a truly accurate representation of weight as lean muscle mass vs. body fat % is more telling statistic. For example; Two people who are the same height and weight can have drastically different body makeups.

Positive thoughts and prayers
